

  • 1980

  • Belgium

  • Peter Bonne
    Geert Coppens
    Peter Koustaal

Autumn was foun­ded by childhood friends Peter Bonne (“Sen”) and Geert Co­ppens (“Ense”) in 1980. The pair shared an in­terest in ex­periment­al music and at age 16 had ac­cumulated from fami­ly and friends the syn­ths and keyboards they used to re­lease their first tape, Seven Days Autumn. They put out I In­vite later that year. In 1981, hav­ing generated a sub­stan­ti­al fan base and equip­ped with a slew of re­nted gear, they set up an event cal­led Hard Break­fast which ex­hibited im­provisation­al electronic music and grap­hic art. From this point on visu­als be­came a vital ele­ment of the group, who that year also com­posed some origin­al tracks for an 8mm film of classmate Jan Ver­hey­en.

Bonne and Co­ppens ac­quired ad­dition­al syn­ths, keyboards, drum mac­hines and electronic drums, which al­lowed them to re­lease a much evol­ved tape cal­led Ex­peri­ments With En­viron­ments. The band matured and tightened up furth­er in 1982 when joined by Peter Kous­ta­al.

Dur­ing 1983, Geert con­ceived the idea of per­form­ing a soundtrack for Fritz Lang’s Met­ropolis. They spent over six months writ­ing the piece and ob­tain­ing a de­cent video copy of the film. In Feb­rua­ry of 1984, Autumn per­for­med their soundtrack live at Leuv­en Uni­vers­ity, bac­ked up on multi­ple monitors by meticulous­ly syn­ced up video. De­spite the huge suc­cess of the per­for­mance, a com­mer­ci­al soundtrack was re­leased for the movie simul­taneous­ly and the band was un­able to secure co­pyrights or tour with the act.

Dis­couraged by the Met­ropolis set­back, the band only re­cor­ded one more tape, Silicon Val­ley, be­fore dis­band­ing in 1984. From there, the band ex­plored other electronic music styles, form­ing side pro­jects Li­near Move­ment, Twilight Ritu­al and A Split Second.
(Re­lated: Li­near Move­ment, Twilight Ritu­al, A Split Second)

