Oppenheimer Analysis

Oppenheimer Analysis

Oppenheimer Analysis



  • 1.
    The Devil's Dancers
  • 2.
    Cold War
  • 3.
    Men in White Coats
  • 4.
  • MW001

Eighte­en years ago, Op­pen­heim­er An­alysis made its in­delib­le mark with the iconic track ‘The Devil’s Danc­ers,’ herald­ing the birth of the Minim­al Wave label. Foun­ded with a sin­gular mis­s­ion, the label set out to share this mus­ical gem with the world. The in­augur­al re­lease was the self-titled Op­pen­heim­er An­alysis EP, meticulous­ly pre­ssed onto high-quality 180-gram black vinyl, ac­companied by a strik­ing 18” x 24” post­er ador­ned with cap­tivat­ing photos and lyrics. This his­toric re­lease graced the world on De­cemb­er 6th, 2005. Re­mar­kab­ly, this EP has been elusive for a de­cade now.

In an ex­cit­ing de­velop­ment, the fifth edi­tion of the Op­pen­heim­er An­alysis self-titled EP is set to debut in De­cemb­er, featur­ing the origin­al re­mas­tered vers­ion of ‘The Devil’s Danc­ers.’ This EP is pre­sen­ted as a lov­ing tri­bute to Mar­tin Lloyd (1950-2013 R.I.P.), one half of Op­pen­heim­er An­alysis. The EP show­cases select tracks from the 1982 Op­pen­heim­er An­alysis cas­sette tit­led “New Mexico,” along with two pre­vious­ly un­released gems. The story be­hind Op­pen­heim­er An­alysis began when Andy Op­pen­heim­er, a nuc­lear weapons con­sul­tant, and Mar­tin Lloyd, also known for his work with the Sur­viv­al Label and the pro­ject “An­alysis,” cros­sed paths at a Sci­ence Fic­tion Con­ven­tion in Lon­don in 1979. They shared the stage with not­able bands like Hawkwind and Spizz En­er­gi and gar­nered at­ten­tion in the pages of Melody Maker.

This fifth edi­tion re­lease con­s­ists of 999 meticulous­ly hand-numbered 180-gram black vinyl co­p­ies, each ac­companied by the first edi­tion post­er in­sert. Notab­ly, the spot color on the sleeve dis­tin­guis­hes each edi­tion: green for the first, deep blue-green for the second, light powd­er blue for the third, mint green for the fourth, and a bright­er aqua mint for this cur­rent fifth edi­tion. Stay tuned for an up­com­ing in­ter­view with Andy Op­pen­heim­er, pro­mis­ing de­ep­er in­sights into the band’s rich his­to­ry and music.


* Denotes bonus track(s) available only on a CD / Digital version of this release, if a CD / Digital version of this release is available


All sample clips are 30-90 seconds in length

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