
Martin Dupont




  • 1.
    Bent At The Window
  • 2.
    No Hands
  • 3.
    He Saw The Light
  • 4.
    Not Such A Joke
  • 5.
    Top of The Pyramids
  • 6.
    The Light Goes Through My Mouth
  • 7.
    Nice Boy
  • 8.
    Your Passion
  • 9.
    Love On My Side
  • MW079 / SEA013

In col­labora­tion with Meidosem and In­fras­ti­tion, Minim­al Wave pro­ud­ly pre­sents Kintsugi, a new album by the high­ly lauded French group Mar­tin Dupont. The album fea­tures lush re-works of their old songs, original­ly re­leased on their high­ly sought-after 1980s al­bums. The French band is known for mak­ing be­auti­ful, heady electronic, with strik­ing, poetic voc­als. A hard-to-classify group from Mar­seil­le with a cult fol­low­ing and some mainstream suc­cess, Mar­tin Dupont has in­spired some of the lumina­ries of the con­tem­pora­ry music scene cross­ing many gen­res from trip-hop to electro to tech­no. Kintsugi rea­ssembles their old spirit that is col­or­ful, en­thusias­tic, and de­licate, yet also melancho­ly and mys­teri­ous. A mix­ture of hot and cold, light and dark. Mar­tin Dupont’s music is con­sidered electronic though they also in­cor­porate guitars and clarinets. They are de­scribed by many as New Wave, though their music truly trans­cends gen­res. Li­st­en to Kintsugi, a col­lec­tion of Mar­tin Dupont’s em­otive songs that have now been re­in­vigorated with a larger-than-life pre­s­ence.
DE­SIG­NED & MANU­FAC­TURED IN FRAN­CE BY MEIDOSEM. PRE-ORDER ONLY. RE­CORDS WILL SHIP ON MARCH 15TH, 2023. Di­git­al will be out on all ser­vices on Feb­rua­ry 7th, 2023.

* Denotes bonus track(s) available only on a CD / Digital version of this release, if a CD / Digital version of this release is available


All sample clips are 30-90 seconds in length