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The great minimal synth mystery
Posted: 29 October 2009 02:27 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 46 ]  
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Joined  2006-03-03
[quote author=“MintyNutshell”]If I posted Tony Blair’s name and telephone number and email address on a forum, someone could now come along pretending to be another collector to gain confidense and more detailed information.

It’s the last word in worst case scenarios, though. Al-Qaida hardly ever bothers with minimal synth collectors, in my experience.

Of course, if someone wants to be left alone with their collection, the done thing would not be to post their names on forums all the collectors have access to, so it’s nice of you to respect people’s privacy - but putting Tony’s address and phone no up is still a far cry from revealing someones name on this forum.


Posted: 29 October 2009 07:59 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 47 ]  
Total Posts:  37
Joined  2006-06-21

Hi Falck,

“Hmm, shouldn’t have told you I’m German, people tend to go into “it can’t be humour then” mode. “

Ah ha, did I miss a joke (lol)? I was in a rush and didn’t really have much time to answer. I know many Germans, and I have family that live in Germany, so I don’t subscribe the the stereo-type German. All the ones I know have a great sense of humour. Please also do me a courtesey and don’t assume I am a stereo-typical ‘Brit’. :wink:

“Now if you wanted to steal an identity, would you pick obscure’s? “

Errr….no!!! But…hypothetically..someone could use what we now know about him to pretend to be him and gain somneones confidense. If someone believes he had something really rare, and I am sure that Obscure has many such items, how difficult would it be to get another persons credit card details for example.  I would think that the amount of risk a person is likely to take over a payment might be proportional to how badly they want to buy an item.  There really are bad people out there and a forum like Minimal Wave is not immune from being exploited in this way. Information is information, its source is irrelevent to a criminal.

Hi Reactorlgtn,

“but putting Tony’s address and phone no up is still a far cry from revealing someones name on this forum. “

I am not sure I understand your point. I picked Tony Blair simply as a public person that might be known to others outside of the UK. I suppose he might not be the best example I could have chosen. But look at it this way…how much trouble could I hypothetically cause if I did put the telephone number, home address and email on a public forum of someone like Tony Blair? I think this would be pure gold to many people and organisations.

The point being made here is it is wrong for me (or anyone) to place the personal details of another person, on any public forum. If you need confirmation of this then Google “Netiquette” and have a read on the subject.

I am sure that the most of you guys are all really nice people but please please please… don’t be quite so naive and trusting.


Posted: 29 October 2009 11:13 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 48 ]  
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Joined  2007-02-21

Hi Minty,

What you mean, so it’s not tea and cricket in the garden for you while you tell people that you are a tiny bit unhappy that you heard a comet will destroy all life as we know it tomorrow?  :wink:

But hey, of course there is also a serious anlge to this ID thingy.

While personally I wouldn’t want to swap places for all the Blago Bung 7"s in the world, indeed obscure’s identity can be of interest to minimal synth criminals because of the existence of all those desert people out there who want that flask of water.

By putting up his address, he opened a door here and people might wonder if they are dealing with the right obscure now (which BTW some might already deem bad enough 8) ).

So like in the Seeing Red case, again his ego made him act not in his best business interest.

Now wasn’t there a saying with pride and a fall in it…. :wink:

Posted: 30 October 2009 12:29 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 49 ]  
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Joined  2006-08-07

Well put Falck 8)

Posted: 30 October 2009 01:53 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 50 ]  
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Hi Falck,

Tea in the Garden - Sometimes
Cricket - Not since I was at school
A comet will destroy all life as we know it tomorrow - Every Wednesday afternoon :D

but you forgot one

Talking/complaining about the Weather - Constantly!  :wink:

I think we agree on the other points. Perhaps we can now talk of more pleasant and interesting things? Like musik for instance.

Perhaps you would be kind enough to tell me about Blago Bung, Who, what when, where and why.

My taste in Electronic music is quite limited and perhaps could do with being expanded. With Mininal I find that I know what I like when I hear it but I am also turned off by a lot of what I hear.  For example I love the raw simple energy of DAF and have done since about 1980 but I don’t really like their Produkt Album as I am not really into Industrial but I do like Im Namen Des Volkes, so a contradiction there perhaps. The CD I listen to the most at the moment is Das Institut - Camera Obscura - Vendig. I don’t usually like musik without words but I love this haunting and beautifully crafted piece of Electronic composition. I also like the musik of Kenji Kawai, especially the sound track to Ghost in the Shell. Quite original by weston musik standards, I think, and also hauntingly beautiful.


Added - I also really like Apoptygma Berzerk, although they are not Minimal themselves, I detect a Minimal influence. I would love to see them in the UK but I do not think that they are very well known here. I suppose I should also mention Rammstein - Sonne whichis also a favourite and somewhat minimalist in is structure.

Posted: 30 October 2009 02:43 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 51 ]  
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Joined  2007-02-21


Yes how silly of me, of course I forgot to mention that the weather at your tea party is absolutey awful.

Talking about the weather, do you remember “Talk about the weather” by Red Lorry Yellow Lorry? That was the shortest concert I ever saw, 45 min or so.

And strange you should mention Rammstein, as I got asked only two hours ago if I had managed to secure myself a ticket for them, but musically they are not really very high on my list. The shows must be good, though….which is also true about Muse who I got a free ticket for last night.

But we’re getting a bit off the beaten underground track here now…still, say, do you really like recent Apoptygma stuff? I mean, yeah, the old albums, but anything post 2000 I know sounds like soulless hit music by numbers to me….

So you’re looking for bands that sound like early DAF or Matthias Schuster?

Never heard of Kenji Kawai, to be honest….or Blago Bung who got mentioned by somebody else who possibly has a crate of them he wants to shift at not quite democratic prices…. 8)

Posted: 30 October 2009 02:49 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 52 ]  
Total Posts:  89
Joined  2000-11-09

[quote author=“MintyNutshell”] I suppose I should also mention Rammstein - Sonne whichis also a favourite and somewhat minimalist in is structure.

:o :o PS !!
That is a very dangerous thing to say in this elite forum.
I fear the minimalsynth taste-police will not like that.


Posted: 30 October 2009 03:02 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 53 ]  
Total Posts:  8
Joined  2006-08-07

[quote author=“falck”]MN,
The shows must be good, though….which is also true about Muse who I got a free ticket for last night.

:o Lucky you…they’re excellent live (one of my favourite non-minimalist bands)

Posted: 30 October 2009 03:10 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 54 ]  
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Hi Ton and Falck,

Yes,I had doubts about adding Rammstein to my list and I will not ry to deffend it if someone wants to argue the point. I was sort of putting my flag in the ground in terms of what I like listening to at the moment.

Apoptygma, well I have to say that I only know the more recent stuff “Shine On”, “You and me against the world” or is it “In this together”. I can see your point though, it is commercial and mainstream, but I still like it.

Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, m I haven’t heard that name for years and really can’t remember anything they did now.

Yes I like Mr. Schuster’s work a lot and I do have some Bal Pare, Geisterfahrer and other work of his. I have also seen them in the UK and Europe as well.

Blago Bung, well I should have goneback and re-read the posts, my mistake, sorry.


PS Muse I have seen many times.

Posted: 30 October 2009 03:22 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 55 ]  
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Now Rammstein surely aren’t a minimal synth band, but on a good day you could argue that they are on the edge of the definition of a minimal wave band.

The music discussed here is still quite diverse so there should definitely be a place for them. I’m pretty sure there’s more people here who really dig them.

Me, I always keep waving the Welle:Erdball flag although it makes you feel isolated and left out in the cold at times.  :wink:

Posted: 30 October 2009 04:44 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 56 ]  
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[quote author=“KirstyW”][quote author=“falck”]MN,
The shows must be good, though….which is also true about Muse who I got a free ticket for last night.

:o Lucky you…they’re excellent live (one of my favourite non-minimalist bands)

Well to be honest they’re a band that had always been on the periphery for me - and then the ticket materialized and I didn’t know what exactly to expect.  8)

On the plus side there were the already mentioned fantastic stage show, the fact that technically they are great musicians and the surprise factor as you never know which way a song will turn.

Having said that, I’m a bit suprprised that such an eclectic sound can win you so many fans. I wouldn’t call it all things to all men, but what I heard there was U2, Duran Duran, Slayer, Queen, Supertramp etc to name but a few. One song for instance had some Slayer like guitars combined with an Abba “Lay all your love on me” type of chorus.

I still have to research this but what I liked best was their opener (post-punkish) and a song that sounded like penned by Depeche Mode (well no real surprise there).

As a resume a Muse concert can be all kinds of things save boring.  :wink:

Posted: 30 October 2009 05:01 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 57 ]  
Total Posts:  37
Joined  2006-06-21

Hi Guys,

I thought you might be interested in another point of view on the UK collecting scene so I have spoken to some of my friends.

There is a general concensus of opinion that, because there were quite a lot of UK Minimal Electronic bands putting stuff out in the early 1980’s, Vinyl is not that hard to find in the UK. OK the really rare stuff is, but generally speaking, go into most second hand vinyl shops, junk shops, car boot sales and you will turn stuff up.  To quote one person who was asked where they find things and how much to they pay, the reply was “I just found a new second hand vinyl shop down the road, and bought loads of early 1980’s vinyls I had not found before, 50 pence each or 3 for 1 pound”.

Apparently this is not that unusual and possibly means that UK collctors don’t need to use Ebay, or the international trading collectors to get what they want.


Posted: 30 October 2009 11:39 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 58 ]  
Total Posts:  840
Joined  2006-03-03

HA haha

Can I just say,

MUSE, my guilty pleasure, played here on Sunday and were ah MAZING, I’ve seen them before and didn’t really like their latest album but this show… goshwow

Posted: 30 October 2009 12:01 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 59 ]  
Total Posts:  501
Joined  2007-02-21

[quote author=“MintyNutshell”]Hi Guys,

“I just found a new second hand vinyl shop down the road, and bought loads of early 1980’s vinyls I had not found before, 50 pence each or 3 for 1 pound”.

Apparently this is not that unusual and possibly means that UK collctors don’t need to use Ebay, or the international trading collectors to get what they want.


I had already been wondering for a while if it is still like that. When I lived in London in 1994 and 1999, you could get great stuff for basically nothing and dealers would still think you’re a stupid tourist for buying it at all.  8)

Or did the Ministry of Tourism send you a big cheque hoping for a massive invasion of minimal synth tourists as a result of this post now?  :wink:

Well, I haven’t been for ages, and I feel tempted already….

BTW, another reason why UK collectors trade less could be that they only collect UK items? I remember hearing statements like “I also listen to European music at times” which sounded extremely odd to my German ears…

Posted: 30 October 2009 12:18 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 60 ]  
Total Posts:  501
Joined  2007-02-21

[quote author=“reactorlgtn”]HA haha

Can I just say,

MUSE, my guilty pleasure, played here on Sunday and were ah MAZING, I’ve seen them before and didn’t really like their latest album but this show… goshwow

Now the show was indeed an event, those cages and visuals, that energy and musicians who really master their instruments….I can also warmly recommend to get a ticket here in that respect…. still…..I don’t like heavy metal, I don’t like glamrock, I don’t like walls of sound… given their talent, they could have been a kind of band I would have truly liked a lot but chose not to. Heavy metals fiends might say the same of course.

Versatile or ecclectic - up to the mind of the individual concert-goer :wink:

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