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Cheap minimal items?
Posted: 30 June 2006 07:01 AM   [ Ignore ]  
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As has been discussed elsewhere on the forum, several of us dislike paying hundreds of dollars for the rare minimal items…
So how about discussing the other end of the price range?
I’ve wanted to make a list of items which are musically interesting but comparatively cheap…
Anyone up for it?

A couple of examples…

The New Occupants were discussed in another thread. Both their “First Class Material” 12EP and “Blue Light” 12” should cost you less than $20 and are great music (although Blue Light may be “too poppy” for the closet goths among us… rolleyes )

Naughtiest Girl Was A Monitor, one of my favorite groups, issued three singles - All The Naked Heroes, Front and Is All I Need. All of which should be possible to find in GEMM or Musicstack or other fave music shops.

Silent Types “War Economy” 7EP. This seems to always go for something like $15 on ebay - although the track “Upset” must be one of the greatest Minimal songs ever IMO!

So, how about it, any recommendations? (If the thread picks up, I’ll gladly leaf through my collection to find the great music that costs small dollar…) grin

Posted: 30 June 2006 07:40 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
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Hej Oyst,

thanks for the topic, i like it! And I just wanted to tell you guys this:

Once upon a time I got a recording of some of Hervé‘s shows on Radio France. These tapes never came with a track list… What’s that ? HORROR!!! There were so many tracks on there that were superb and I just didn’t know what bands these were…..  :evil:

I asked around (hey Hervé), sent mp3-excerpts to other collectors and some light was shed into it after years, BUT the track I was seeking most urgently remained unidentified!!!:(

Maybe after like 7 years or so, I “forced” Hervé to tell me about this song and you cannot imagine what a surprise it was! It wasn’t a totally obscure band, not an ultra rare record, nothing impossible-to-find ..... 8O

OK, I’ll tell you, BUY THIS RECORD:

BOOK OF LOVE - I touch Roses 12” USA 1984 Sire Records

While the A-side is already a very good Synthpop track, the B-side contains the 4mins11secs track that I was looking for for such a long time:

“Lost Souls”.

Go and get it! You won’t regret it. You can thank me (and Hervé) later! 8)

Btw, the track also appears on BOOK OF LOVE’s album, but the version on there is far less good than the one on the preceeding 12”.



Ⓥ Marc Ⓥ

Posted: 30 June 2006 08:02 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
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Blacmange - Living on the Ceiling 12” from 82
The B-side “running thin”

What a fantastic track!
Dark, minimal overall goodness!

It should be cheap as hell or maybe hard to find I don’t know.
I haven’t come across it while record shopping.
I’ve see tons of blacmange records but never that 12”


It’s all about the aboveground!

Posted: 30 June 2006 08:35 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
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cool, thanks both of you!

Both bands are familiar, and in both cases I didn’t have exactly that record you mention, so thanks!

(I even have that Book of Love LP, played it once, said to myself, hey, quite good, and stored it…)

Excellent! I’ll get these for sure!

the blancmange 12B somehow reminded me of this:

“Singing to French” by Indians In Moscow, which exists in two versions… the KILLER version being the b-side to “Jack Pelter and his Sex-change Chicken” 12.

Also, Indians in Moscow have exclusive tracks both on “Your Secret’s Safe With Us” and “The BEST of Your Secret’s Safe With Us” comps; a demo of I Wish I Had on the Best of, and the 2LP version has their selftitled song…

Keep ‘em coming!

Posted: 30 June 2006 08:38 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]  
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Oh drat!

I forgot to get an item on eBay just now: Piefke & Pafke! It went for $3… I seem to remember hearing a synthy NDW song by them which I liked.

Posted: 30 June 2006 08:54 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 5 ]  
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Plastic Bertrand - Tout Petit La Planete 7”

It’s really good too and cheap wink
not “minimal” but it’s nice and dark in my opinion.


It’s all about the aboveground!

Posted: 30 June 2006 09:50 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 6 ]  
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In case there’s someone not knowing it yet, in my opinion the best ever minimal synth / electronic record of all time is:

RATIONAL YOUTH Cold War Night Life LP CDN 1982 YUL Records
(Re-issued on CD with bonus tracks in 1997).

Also, I think the 1983 CYBOTRON “Enter” is still available on CD. Especially the title track and “Industrial Lies” are superb.

Then, it seems that Genetic Music still carry the CD from NINE CIRCLES.

Also, one shouldn’t forget the early albums by OMD, KRAFTWERK, DEPECHE MODE, SOFT CELL, etc….. of course.

Ah, and the ICEHOUSE Primitive Man LP carries a track called “Great Southern Lands” which does really sound like IRON CURTAIN! No joke!

OK, and last but not least, I think the German LP “Kugelblitze & Raketen” by MARKUS is a real Minimal Synth gem. No doubt.



Ⓥ Marc Ⓥ

Posted: 01 July 2006 04:32 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 7 ]  
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The Greg Vandike singles are great! Don’t miss it!


D’un sillon l’autre…

Posted: 01 July 2006 05:30 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 8 ]  
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Great topic and here are my suggestions:

Men Without Hats - Safety Dance 7”
- the B-Side “Security” is really great minimal-synth-pop
- and the 2nd track of the 12” is “Antartica” and it is great, too !!!

I think, you all know Howard Jones because of his chart hit “What Is Love”
Buy his first LP “Human’s Lib” or grab it out of the cellar :wink: and hear “Conditioning”

What is about Secession’s 12” “Touch” ? You may find it for small money it comes with coloured vinyl and “Touch (part 3)” is a great song!!!

The Assembly - Never Never 7”
- the B-Side “Stop / Start” is quite cool !!!

and Marc is right, the Kugelblitze & Raketen LP is a nice gemm :wink:  :wink:  :wink:


NEON-WELT Parties & Konzerte

Posted: 01 July 2006 11:00 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 9 ]  
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Ignatius Jones - Like A Ghost (7” or 12”), whispering your name is not soo good IMO, still ok though

Miro Miroe - Nights of Arabia 7” or 12” - synth pop alert, still recommended though!

Intro - Haunted Cocktails 7/12 or Lost Without Your Love 7/12

PLastikmann: “Security” by MWH—> another absolute favorite of mine, completely excellent!!

Thanks to all of you for sending suggestions, I’m going to get the records you mention…

And to prove the point of this thread: I can get all that music you mention, and still not reach the price of ONE Iron Curtain item… :-D And think of the hours and hours of listening pleasure ahead of me!

Beautiful, keep posting!

Posted: 01 July 2006 11:42 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 10 ]  
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Just remembered another good one:

Patrick D Martin - I Like ‘Lectric Motors 7 8O


Posted: 02 July 2006 06:29 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 11 ]  
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Stahlnetz—“For all den Jahren” 7”

Very nice record that I’ve seen several times for €0,50…

Maybe to synthpoppish:

Krisma—Kathode Mamma 7”

But someone mentioned OMD 7” and I was wondering about this bonus 7” that came with as a bonus45 with “Organisation”. It has songs from 1978 on it ( Introducing Radios”, Distances Fade Between”, “Progress” and “Once When I Was Six”. How rare is this 7”?


Brian Eno sank my battleship

Posted: 02 July 2006 06:35 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 12 ]  
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Of the bands mentioned I know that I could go to one of 2 local record stores and score the New Occupants (it helps that I am in Minneapolis… I got a sealed copy of the first EP for $3.00 last year), Book Of Love, Blancmange, Ignatius Jones, and more if I do a little digging.

I recently got a CD of Cold War Night Life by Rational Youth off of ebay for $10, replacing my crappy downloaded 128k cd.  The vinyl for this album only goes for few $$$ as well.

Men Without Hats - there were copies of The Safety Dance that had Living IN China on the b-side, which is my favorite Mw/oH song.  Their first EP, the 10” Folk Of The 80’s is a little tougher to track down but it includes Moderne Dancing which is also a really good track.

Patrick D. Martin had another single called Computer Datin’ which should be easy to track down, I believe he was on IRS in the States and IRS releases are usually filling used and cut-out bins even 20 years later.

Let me add that Chris & Cosey vinyl seems to be in abundance in the used bins and are worth picking up for cheap.

I also see alot of early EBM type stuff out there, SA42, Attrition, Hula, Front 242, later-day Neon Judgement.  Granted alot of it is crap but there’s usually at least 1 good track on each release.

Posted: 02 July 2006 06:48 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 13 ]  
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The Ende Schneafliet/Solitude FX 7”.
It’s still available and scandalously cheap.

Absolute—“T.V. Glare/ At The Third Stroke” 7”

It all depends of course. Sometimes you are lucky and pay €5,- for a Matthias Schuster—“Atemlos” LP.


Brian Eno sank my battleship

Posted: 02 July 2006 10:15 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 14 ]  
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Simply : John Foxx : Metamatic : a record you can find easily for a few euro’s/dollars and one of my all time favourites.  Okay, everybody has quite enough of the “Underpass” smasher but, this records is far more than this killer.

Posted: 02 July 2006 09:12 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 15 ]  
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Thanks again for all suggestions!

Absolute - TV Glare 7 is one which I paid a bit for actually, back in the day…
but while we’re on the same label, Mr Robert Marlow released several singles which are at GEMM for under a tenner, and all his stuff is good!


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