Like Cyndi :?:
I’m surprised you don’t have it.
I think the lowest price out of the ones that just sold is still to expensive for you though. 
A 4.99 pound Buy It Now is more your style :wink:
Did you see the Dark White go recently for $130.00 :?:
I bought my copy five years ago for $830 :!:
$700 less than five years ago. I think that is called deflation :wink:
I could keep listing records if you want, but I think that is an effective
Not in your uk top 5 :?: :!: :o
Now I am convinced you are not a minimal synth collector, and that you just like to dilly dally on forums all day :?
Your opinion on the Stranger Station unreleased material made you somewhat questionable :?: , and the fact that you had no dutch minimal synth records made you even more suspicious :?: , but now I think it is clear that any of your posts should be taken with more than a grain of salt
I can’t believe you just said what you said :o
The artwork is different on the 7”.
The sound quality is different on the 7”.
The experience of playing the 7” is different than the LP.
This is definitely one of the best minimal synth 7"s, and how often are you going to put the LP on and drop the needle to just those two songs, and then pick it up again. Never. It is a totally different musical experience, and item altogether :!:
According to your own logic then no one should buy the Maskindans double CD that you just released, because according to what you just said there is technically no music on it. Most of the tracks have seen prior release, and therefore what it amounts to in your opinion is a piece of merchandising that is not worthy of purchase. That seems like a very conflicted viewpoint in my opinion considering you spent years working on it. :?
Anyway, Oystein don’t play games. I know you have every variation of every Pet Shop Boys CD/record in existence. :wink: