Aural Indifference

Aural Indifference

  • 1981

  • Sydney, Australia

  • Brian Spencer Hall
    Kevin Purdy

Aural In­dif­fer­ence was a post-punk studio col­lec­tive from Syd­ney, Australia. The two prin­cip­al mem­b­ers were Brian Spenc­er Hall and Kevin Purdy. The cas­sette album The Sound of In­dif­fer­ence was re­leased in 1981, featur­ing tracks such as “Theme”, “Park, and “Man Am I Pro­gres­sive”. “Theme” is the clos­ing track on The Minim­al Wave Tapes: Volume Two com­pila­tion and “The Park” ap­pears on The Be­droom Tapes.