Minim­al Wave is ex­cited to pre­sent a 7” single of two early demos (Kindheitsmust­er and Raid) by Dutch electronic music pione­er Das Ding. The final vers­ions of these tracks were re­leased on H.S.T.A. and the Mis­s­ing Tapes, re­spec­tive­ly. The vers­ions here are the most raw and electric re­cord­ings we have heard by Das Ding yet.
Danny Bost­en for­med Das Ding as a solo pro­ject in the early 1980s and re­leased his music and friends’ music via his own cas­sette label cal­led Tear Apart Tapes. At the time, he was study­ing grap­hic de­sign at art school, and in turn he ended up de­sign­ing the artwork, cassette-sleeves and il­lustra­tions for the label him­self. Meanwhile, he re­cor­ded his own music as Das Ding. Power­ful dark electro, he made sever­al ad­dictive and dan­ce­able tracks which later be­come Minim­al Wave hits. Danny made all his music in his be­droom which es­sential­ly tur­ned into a small re­cord­ing studio. He went on to re­lease many of his own tapes and also played some live gigs.
Old tapes were un­covered around 2010, and Minim­al Wave re­leased a re­mas­tered vers­ion of H.S.T.A. and select other tracks. A wave of re­newed in­terest fol­lowed the re­cord’s re­lease and soon peo­ple were in touch to pro­pose live shows. Twen­ty years later, and after some de­libera­tion, Das Ding was re­in­carnated under its old monik­er but now with a re­vised line-up and a work­ing set-up that re­flec­ted in­evit­able tech­nolog­ical chan­ge.
The Kindheitsmust­er / Raid 7” is pre­ssed on black vinyl, featur­ing a photog­raph that Danny Bost­en took dur­ing his art school days, and the in­spira­tion for the cover draw­ing of the H.S.T.A. cas­sette re­lease from 1982. The 7” is li­mited to 500 num­bered co­p­ies. Pre-order the vinyl re­lease here. Re­lease date: March 27th, 2017. Di­git­al re­lease to fol­low.
Sound sam­ples li­nked below.

Kindheitsmust­er (demo)
Raid (demo)