How is that Echo West LP, Signalisti?? looking for somehting somewhat danceable, minimal synth-ey I can dj, so not too dark, i hope…
Anyway, just got Throbbing Gristle’s Funeral in Berlin, the first release on Zensor, (german experimenal/NDW label) and it’s way better than I expected, vinyl copies are somewhat reasonable also - got mine for 10 bucks. recommended!
Well then Signalisti is not the thing you’re searching for. It’s half PE, half minimal elektro, not danceable at all.. In Pop We Trust may fit I think..
I highly encourage everyone to buy the excellent innaugural release ‘La Forme Lente 1’ by the new ‘La Forme Lente’ label in Brignoles/FR, amazing NEW trax by the likes of Garcons Coiffeurs, Les Modules Etrangers, and Neon Tie Club…along with the great new demos by the likes of Frank(just Frank), Automelodi, and Neptune it seems the long-overdue return of the originary Vague Froide spirit has finally arrived!
I highly encourage everyone to buy the excellent innaugural release ‘La Forme Lente 1’ by the new ‘La Forme Lente’ label in Brignoles/FR, amazing NEW trax by the likes of Garcons Coiffeurs, Les Modules Etrangers, and Neon Tie Club…along with the great new demos by the likes of Frank(just Frank), Automelodi, and Neptune it seems the long-overdue return of the originary Vague Froide spirit has finally arrived!
hoo thxx a lot for the comment ! Yes many of groups currently plays a great wave and we support them .. I’ll give you infos for our next prods .. Garçons Coiffeurs and Neptüne will play in south of France soon (myspace for infos .. we’ll have a site in a few days)