Experimental Products - myth or legend…?
Just for those luvers of… tight… fragrant… vinyl products…
Experimental Products is back in black….
Phonograph turn-tables are still a valid means of sound production…
Vinyl records are still available from many sources…
Give in to the vinyl rush….
PROTOTYPE is re-issued…! (about time…)
On 12” vinyl….(not on CD…. crap…!)
!0 songs of varying flavors…
Korg 55 drum/rhythm machine…
Korg MS-20… some PolySix and Pro One….
Casio MT-30… Korg Preset….
Vocals on most tracks…
Some think PROTOTYPE this is a good record….
It was an ambitious work of creative expression…
Is there one song that caught your attention…?
Or… do most of the tunes carry weight…?
But…. was it all that…?
Is it myth or legend…?
GARAGE TRACKS are unreleased spare bedroom recordings…
Side A- 5 songs resurrected from the tape archive…
Korg 55… and sometimes sequenced Roland SH-101… Polysix…
Vocals…. solo busy work by M.Gross…
Is it up to snuff…?
Side-B is a 1983 live performance recording…
The best (and only) iive recording from that period…
Korg-55… Pro One… Polysix… Source… MT-30…
Which vocal work or song style do you find to your liking…?
M.Wilde… or M.Gross…? Do any lyrics catch your attention…?
or…. is it pretentious shite…?
All I say is HAZZAH…! VOD Records….!
Now the music can be rejudged…
Myth or legend….?
(you can’t judge unless you own it…
and…. listened to it…)
very truly yours…. M.Gross