Ahh, frisdrankje! Bedankt, Spartak.
As a matter of fact, I wasn’t really trying to respawn an evil pretentious pop band vs. honest hard working underground artist type of discussion.
Personally, I like my pop music for as long as it’s quality pop music.
I just wondered if what started being called “minimal synth” some time ago, and has been called Minimalelektronik for much longer in Germany, allows for the use of guitars these days?
Now I don’t think so, and thus for me e.g. Guerre Froide are not a minimal synth band either. I really only wanted to ask if X-Mal Deutschland DID produce minimal synth at the beginning of their career?
And anyways, as this site is being called Minimal Wave, artists using guitars do fit the bill provided that these rather dodgy instruments are being used in a rather minimal way (=sparsely) 8)