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Umrijeti za strojem
Posted: 07 January 2012 04:30 PM   [ Ignore ]  
Total Posts:  33
Joined  2011-02-06


UZS’s recently self-released 5” mini-album “Pogled u nefašizam”, plus previous 3” singles now back in stock for a limited period of time - all available exclusively via 0.5/Discogs. Extra item included free with each mail order. 5” comes in a monochromatic sleeve, along with 4 decollage prints. Selections from “Ne postoji” catalogue can be listened to at http://www.umrijetizastrojem.bandcamp.com

7” split single with Neither/Nor can still be traced via Genetic music - http://www.geneticmusic.de/ - or Juno at http://www.juno.co.uk.

Umrijeti za strojem will perform a tiny live gig in Vienna on January, 21 - via Future Echo (for details, please click here - http://www.facebook.com/events/277885615580509/) and will feature an exclusive new piece on the forthcoming V/A Future Echo Tape. Details about the tape still to be announced.

Posted: 08 January 2012 11:41 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  330
Joined  2005-12-14

Excellent releases !

Posted: 08 January 2012 05:51 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  33
Joined  2011-02-06

Hello Minicold, I am glad you like them. Enjoy. Cheers. smile

Posted: 15 January 2012 06:46 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  33
Joined  2011-02-06

Important notice!

The 100th person who pressed the “like” button on bandcamp, please e-mail UZS (via the official http://www.umrijetizastrojem.bandcamp.com) for a free artefact! Thank you.

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