Red Fetish 7” |
Posted: 28 August 2011 04:42 PM |
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Coming soon on Anna-logue records 
Ha Ha.
How seriously conniving and backhanded of Anna.
I always knew she was a bad girl.
Marc there are seriously more than enough minimal synth
bands out there for every label to find their own.
This is obviously a topic that deserves discussion. Should labels be this conniving
to try to take bands from other labels behind their backs.
I guess Anna forgot to contact me. Naughty, Naughty.
p.s. I think if Marc was honestly interested in the band Red Fetish and their music then
he would of bought the Red Fetish LP I released 6 months ago. That is the truth.
From the actions he has displayed it appears his only interest are in having another
Anna-logue release under his belt no matter how devious the method.
Posted: 28 August 2011 05:35 PM |
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[ # 1 ]
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obscure - 28 August 2011 04:42 PM
p.s. I think if Marc was honestly interested in the band Red Fetish and their music then
he would of bought the Red Fetish LP I released 6 months ago.
What if he’s just taking your sales pitch seriously and is waiting for his lucky number to come up for sale, this being #76 or whatever? It could happen, although don’t slight him any further just in case or you’ll lose the sale…
Posted: 28 August 2011 10:50 PM |
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[ # 2 ]
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reactorlgtn - 28 August 2011 05:35 PM obscure - 28 August 2011 04:42 PM
p.s. I think if Marc was honestly interested in the band Red Fetish and their music then
he would of bought the Red Fetish LP I released 6 months ago.
What if he’s just taking your sales pitch seriously and is waiting for his lucky number to come up for sale, this being #76 or whatever? It could happen, although don’t slight him any further just in case or you’ll lose the sale… 
I guess my sales pitch was actually “Red Fetish are a great minimal synth band. All unrespectable minimal synth labels procede to
chase them for a release, and get anything you can out of them even though you know Stephen has all the Red Fetish tapes.”
I did not know that was my pitch, but it obviously worked. Anyway, this little escapade of conniving has given me an eye for
that little known minimal synth band Transparent Illusion. Maybe I should release a record by them. Anna obviously would not mind, but
still don’t tell her.
1. She doesn’t exist.
2. Its a secret.
And watch out Oystein because that E-man band sounded pretty good, and I think they might have
internet presence. Don’t make me do it.
Posted: 30 August 2011 06:29 PM |
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[ # 3 ]
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It’s like poetry. Pure, undiluted Steven Obscure, a window into a world that’s not like ours. Today, we see that this strange world has rules for correct behaviour: How DARE Red Fetish go to a normal record label once their contract with the aptly named Obscure expires?
Posted: 30 August 2011 09:02 PM |
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[ # 4 ]
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Bjakk - 30 August 2011 06:29 PM It’s like poetry. Pure, undiluted Steven Obscure, a window into a world that’s not like ours. Today, we see that this strange world has rules for correct behaviour: How DARE Red Fetish go to a normal record label once their contract with the aptly named Obscure expires?
Ha Ha Bjakk. According to you this is how normal record labels operate.
1. Find out about a band through another record label.
2. Then bad mouth that record label on an internet forum.
3. Then try to get any release they can out of the other record labels band without any contact with the
record label that introduced them to the band.
and by the way I haven’t been seeing any unknown bjakk minimal synth masterpiece releases coming out of Iceland.
I know a ton of unknown obscure Icelandic minimal synth, but I guess I won’t be telling you because considering
you will have a normal record label you will just try to steal them, because according to you that is what
normal record labels do.
No matter what you say bjakk you know that Marc’s actions were straight up ugly, egotistical, and conniving.
He knows it as well.
Posted: 30 August 2011 10:01 PM |
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[ # 5 ]
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Perhaps the band wanted to sell their material through normal means rather than auction it off,as the other poster said.Aside from any banter we’ve had already,why cause more bad publicity for yourself?Posts like these won’t help anything.. I promise.
Posted: 31 August 2011 12:17 AM |
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[ # 6 ]
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BioKlastik - 30 August 2011 10:01 PM Perhaps the band wanted to sell their material through normal means rather than auction it off,as the other poster said.Aside from any banter we’ve had already,why cause more bad publicity for yourself?Posts like these won’t help anything.. I promise.
I definitely would not say it is bad publicity for my label to have other labels going after the bands on my label in very dishonest ways to try to
get releases out of them.
There is no “normal” way to sell anything.
I would say the way Anna-logue records sells records is a complete scam to be honest.
Here is the scam. Press up 500 of any record and say it is a limited pressing of 500, and then make everyone afraid that it will sell out before
they have a chance to buy it. Then everyone buys it as fast as they can because they don’t want to be left without one. After it is
all bought / distributed out then press up another 500 as a 2nd pressing. Wait, didn’t everyone just buy that 1st press copy as fast as they could
because they thought it was a limited edition of 500, and after those were sold out they wouldn’t be able to get it. Yes that’s why they bought it so fast.
Well now there is a second pressing so what was the point of hurrying to buy the 1st pressing. There was no point because now there is a second
pressing, and the record is still available. However, the label forced everyone to buy their new record as fast as they could for fear of not being
able to get it. So now all the people that bought that record so fast own a record that is neither limited edition or collectable.
Anyway, it is funny that this scam is so overtly played out amongst labels that that is what is considered a so called normal way to sell a record by a
normal record label.
My label gives each collector the ability to buy each copy of every record I release, and it also gives them a very collectable record that will
never be repressed.
If having a normal label means giving consumers 2 weeks to buy a record that is neither collectable or limited edition
then that is something that has no appeal to me whatsoever.
Posted: 31 August 2011 08:36 AM |
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[ # 7 ]
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I think the important thing here is how the band feels about it.
Pretty good, I wager.
I guess that settles it, glad we had this talk.
Posted: 31 August 2011 03:29 PM |
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[ # 8 ]
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fastfashion - 31 August 2011 08:36 AM I think the important thing here is how the band feels about it.
Pretty good, I wager.
I guess that settles it, glad we had this talk.
The band doesn’t feel good about at all. Betrayal doesn’t feel good.
And I’m sure Marc does not feel good about it as well, because every
action he made to get the release was devious, cowardly, egotistical,
, and ugly.
But as long as the release costs from $10 to $20, and is not auctioned everything is cool right?
Anyway, I’ve made my point.
What Anna-logue records did is wrong, and it does not make Marc, or Anna-logue records
look good in any way.
Posted: 31 August 2011 05:18 PM |
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[ # 9 ]
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Your contract with the band is expired, is it not?
The band agreed to a release with Anna Logue Records.
Sounds like a clean deal to me, with no guilt felt by either party. Nor should there be.
Posted: 31 August 2011 09:29 PM |
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[ # 10 ]
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Obscure, to be honest i dont know you neither who you are, but im really sorry to tell you that you dont know at all how and which are the rules and the legal facts in term of running a label.
i can contact a band and if they dont have any contract with a label, they can do what they want with their OWN music. so you’ll better shout on the band than on Marc…i guess u havent paid for their recordings session…(yes here im ironic cause we are talking about music from 25 years ago). also are u a publisher under ASCAP or alike? is the material you publish protected by any publishing copyright?
i really would like that people understand and separate 2 aspects while “having a label”
1) doing a label as an hobby, contacting bands i like and repressing them without any contract or proper label shape.
2) doing a label as work, contacting bands and doing contracts, paying recordings, mastering, press agency, finding licensing possibilities etc etc etc
Marc has really not any reason to ‘ask’ the permission to you. The only permission he must ask is to the band. and if they are agree, well you have nothing to complain or to shout. isnt your music.
No papers, no party ^_^
Sorry man!
Posted: 31 August 2011 09:39 PM |
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[ # 11 ]
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also as far as i understand, we are talking about a 7’‘, normally they will be 2 tracks. If they werent included in your release (supposing u have a contract) and you havent an option (written option) for the tracks, i guess you can do really nothing.
Posted: 01 September 2011 03:54 AM |
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[ # 12 ]
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“everyone is trying to steal my preciousssss…”
Posted: 01 September 2011 10:49 AM |
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[ # 13 ]
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Mmmm .Just for the record , Red Fetish are very happy about the Anna release . Red Fetish are also happy to let Obscure Identities release limited runs of “collectors Items” for collectors , If Obscure Identities so wishes .
Red Fetish can licence their music to whoever they deem fit .The contract with Obscure identities came to an end in December 2010 .This contract was for releases by the Minimal synth outfit All the Madmen . I personally gave Stephen a bunch of cassettes with All the Madmen / Red Fetish / Decades by Night / The Cone & Tiger Club - basically because he is a fan (We have so few fans , I know most of them!)I give a lot of music to fans (my choice) .
Marc , when he approached me , was very respectful He would not have wanted to do a release if the OI contract was valid .When that particular contract ran its course - Marc and ourselves were keen to do a release ( at this stage , we didn’t know what that would be ) .Stephen sees this as betrayal , however , when I met him in San Francisco earlier in the year , I did mention that Red Fetish would be releasing a 7” ep on a European label .
This was not an issue then , and I don’t see why it is now .
I’ll state again for the record - RED FETISH are very happy about The Anna release .
Please buy one (or two)
Posted: 01 September 2011 03:41 PM |
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[ # 14 ]
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obscure - 28 August 2011 04:42 PM
This is obviously a topic that deserves discussion. Should labels be this conniving
to try to take bands from other labels behind their backs.
so Stephen,
in light of neale’s post on the matter, where we learn that a) the red fetish lp on obscure identities was released after your contract with him had run out and b) he told you about the 7” several months ago and you didn’t have a problem with it…
Will you acknowledge a slight discrepancy between the matter at hand and the discussion you invited to in your first post?
Posted: 01 September 2011 06:09 PM |
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[ # 15 ]
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” The band doesn’t feel good about at all. Betrayal doesn’t feel good.
And I’m sure Marc does not feel good about it as well, because every
action he made to get the release was devious, cowardly, egotistical,
, and ugly.”
Well, maybe betrayal feels bad, but revenge feels good. Did you do something to make them angry? Really, I don’t agree that Red Fetish have betrayed you, but I don’t think you can demand loyalty from them either, when you sign to a label, you expect them to manufacture records, promote them and sell them, but you want to keep them for yourself. The insane ebay stunt is good for you, you want to keep the records for yourself and be the number one minimal synth collector, it’s not so much fun for the bands.
“Ha Ha Bjakk. According to you this is how normal record labels operate.
1. Find out about a band through another record label.
2. Then bad mouth that record label on an internet forum.
3. Then try to get any release they can out of the other record labels band without any contact with the
record label that introduced them to the band.”
Correct. You get the attention from a big record label by releasing good records on a small record label. “This band shows promise,” says the big label; “they’re ready to take their career to the next level!” The big label phones the band and asks if they’re under contract – if yes, the big label will try to buy out the contract, if no, the band signs with the new label, simple as that. No reason to say anything to all the other labels that didn’t sign the band!
And of course normal labels badmouth you; everyone badmouths you because you are rude and have insane business practices. You’re damaging the market for minimal synth reissues, the other labels have every reason to badmouth you.
Besides, it’s not true that Anna found out about Red Fetish through you if the Anna single was planned before the OI album got put out. Red Fetish knew that their record contract with OI was about to expire, it’s only natural that they go looking for another label.