I just read Flatsharp’s comments, and their minimal synth intelligence and credibility went down to zero
when I read them insulting Flock of Seagulls and Men without Hats. Both amazing synth bands. Also,
did you think it was sensible and intelligent when they said Futurisk has polluted little minds.
Flatsharp clearly has not a clue about minimal synth. They call Flock of Seagulls and Men Without Hats
“gimmickry marketing”? What do they think a Futurisk remix record is? You can go through all the
bands on your label, and tell me if any of them released a remix record in the 1980’s. To me remix
records represent uncalled for ruining of a bands music for purposes of blatant exploitation. This did
not exist in the original minimal synth releases. I definitely sense that both you and Jeremy are
feeling very guilty about this release. Otherwise, Jeremy would not have written a dissertation in
response to my post about why it is alright for him to release his music again, and do a remix record.
It seems that he is trying to make sense of it himself. I clearly remember him telling me in 2003 that
he would let the past be the past,and would never release any more futurisk records reissues or
otherwise. It is very strong in my memory because he was very adamant about it. Anyway, I’m sure you
can understand the concept that using a minimal synth band to make a remix record with while using
people to remix it that don’t know about minimal synth is not minimal synth. It is techno.
With that said I’d like to pre order all of them, because I know you will still stubbornly release it.
Don’t worry, I will keep them safe 