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Long Interview with Anna Logue Records by Gothic Rock Russia
Posted: 21 June 2010 09:51 AM   [ Ignore ]  
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Joined  2005-12-04

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English Version:
All question by Phil for http://www.gothicrock.ru ©
All answers by Marc Schaffer.

• GothicRock.Ru (GR): Hello, Marc. Firstly, I’d like to thank you for accepting the request of answering these questions. Please, introduce yourself and say a few words about your interests and life-principles.

Marc: Thank you, too, for giving me the opportunity to present my label work on your platform. I was born as Marc Schaffer in (West-)Germany, am in the mid-30’s now and always busy with the main topics dominating my life: music and animals, apart from a regular day time job. I was actually doing a Ph.D. thesis in Microbiology/Genetics, but due to my obligations (or obsessions) with the label and the Sanctuary for Senior Dogs that we have just set up here in the very Northern/Eastern Germany, it was just not possible to finish this even though I had spent already more than two years on it. But why waste time and energy on something that you are anyway not happy with… I am a vegetarian and I am disgusted by the way animals are treated by humans, what can actually be observed in any society. We are currently taking care of a dozen of old and/or stray dogs that are of Eastern or Southern European or local origin. Thrown away, abused, hit by stones, run over by cars, poisoned, set on fire, … man is the crown of glory? I don’t think so. Basically, I do regard each human as an individual, therefore no need for religious, sexual or political views to have or to apply on others. I am just trying to do the right thing while being an open-minded guy with a good character. And while I have accepted that I am facing the consequences of my deeds, there is no need to be dishonest, one characteristic I miss most in other people who just care about striving for personal advantage all the time…

• GR: How the idea of Anna Logue Records was born and was it difficult to gather up all the crew members? As I understand you had a concept of the label (long) before its direct creation…

Marc: Collecting records only got boring and frustrating at some point, I wanted to do something more creative. I, anyway, always liked contacting the bands, asking them for unreleased tracks. This eventually led to my idea for the “Reminiscent” compilation. I was actually afraid of setting up a label, with all that bureaucratic work associated to it which is no fun (and still don’t is). Therefore, I asked Rhona from Genetic Music, and she agreed to do the manufacturing, so eventually my compilation saw its release on their label. But for me, or my creativity, it should not mark the end. I had to go on and needed to do my thing, so that started Anna Logue Records in 2005, all alone, with still no idea how to do it. But I was lucky in the early phase as the artists were supporting me a lot with providing the audio masters and artwork. I had to get into it step-by-step, and I am still learning and improving . The Anna Logue Records team is basically not a team in common sense, but a loose association of people who understand the label’s aims, and who share the same enthusiasm and passion for this music. They know how to bare with me, and I know how to bare with them. We work hand in hand, and we enjoy it. I owe them all a great deal of gratitude, for their valuable input, support, help, open mind and friendship.

• GR: Could you please comment upon the formation of your music tastes and your interest in 80’s obscure (minimal) wave music? How did you discover the attention towards just this sound “age” and by what things were it caused?

Marc: I have always loved music more than anything else, and especially the New Wave and Synth Pop groups that were in the charts back in the early 80’s, like A Flock Of Seagulls, OMD, Depeche Mode, Soft Cell,… which I also took them off my father’s two-monthly Top-20 Charts vinyl records. Later, my older brother turned into being a big Depeche Mode fan which eventually led us both to more on the path of harder electronic bands like Front 242, Nitzer Ebb, Skinny Puppy, The Klinik, etc … In the 90’s I turned a bit more into other genres like Industrial Music (SPK, TG, Coil, Current 93), and I loved the Neofolk stuff that Current 93, Death In June and Sol Invictus did. It led me to buy my first guitar (sounds like a quote from Solvent’s “My Radio”, here, but it’s true). Also, I went back to early 80’s Synth music as the 90’s were annoying me with so many untalented bands coming up with too many releases … I started collecting “Minimal Synth” records like mad, and in 1995 - late, but better late then never - I found my favorite album of all times: Rational Youth’s “Cold War Night Life”, from 1982 - listen to it, it has it all sound-wise, the Roland TR-808, the brilliant analogue synth, the strings, and so rich in textures and ideas while still being Pop. But I also like listening to (Dark) Ambient Music, or Indie stuff like Editors, Placebo, and, of course, the magic Sigur Rуs, or The Album Leaf. You see, in the end I always liked it melodic with a good portion of melancholy.
I guess the main reasons why I enjoy this particular genre is the raw and sound of the analogue synthesizers and drum machines. And probably the honesty of the music, as there were people not going into a big recording studio, being produced some other guy … here were individuals recording their own music in their bedrooms with some degree of limitations (technical-wise, playing-wise, composing-wise) which in turn opened doors to creativity. Also as mentioned above, I must have this certain portion of melody and melancholy which is there, of course.

• GR: If you were asked to express the sense of this music by a set of brief words or definitions what would you say? What is so attractive in it?

Marc: I think everybody should define this for themselves, so I am not going to do the dirty job for them, here. But, well, if they cannot come up with any lovely and beautiful attributes to describe this music themselves then they won’t listen to it anyway.

• GR: How do you choose which album to release or compilation to make? Are you guided by your own taste or there are some other objective reasons?

Marc: I must love it from alpha to omega, and it at must fit into my vision of who the label shall sound like. I decide everything as it is my label, my vision, but I am not a dictator, I take any input seriously into account and the result is a co-operation of a few minds. I am getting requests by some contemporary bands to release them, but the reason why there are only such a few contemporary acts on Anna Logue Records is simply because only a few bands are able to capture that depth, atmosphere, sound and musical quality that I am seeking for. Many bands are just not able to provide the appropriate sound and level of quality music. If you look at Sonnenbrandt, for example, they are just outstanding with such substantial and potential tracks, highest sound programming skills, and rich texturing and composition. Same goes for The Silicon Scientist. It is just hard to find such high quality work.

• GR: Is it difficult to set a contact with an artist and to get his agreement for re-releasing or re-working the necessary material? What are the most often reactions that you face – more enthusiastic or moderate or even indifferent ones?

Marc: It was never hard for me. I think that if you can convey honesty and passion, people feel safe and on the right track. I think I had something like 90% positive feedback. Most people are glad for having been contacted regarding their past, only one guy ever replied that he was done with that part of his past, and that I please shall not contact his again. That needs to be accepted, of course. Then some are simply more enthusiastic than others, it’s like in real life, you have any sort of reaction and enthusiasm.

• GR: All albums of Anna Logue Records are produced only in a vinyl format. Could this decision be considered as a tribute towards aestheticism or are there some else reasons? Don’t you think that this feature can be an obstacle for some people that are interested in the music you release?

Marc: That is not true at this point. Anna has already a couple of CD releases out and more are to come. I still love vinyl if it’s manufactured and presented in a best-possible way, then why not? But the decision of which format it should be depends on various other thoughts: How much musical content do you have? Let’s say 40 mins, that is perfect for a 12"LP. Let’s say 65 mins, that is perfect for CD. Or alternatively a double-LP? But in these times it is hard to sell a double-LP as it is very expensive to produce and especially too expensive to ship to customers, especially overseas. The latter is just not economic I am afraid and will not support sales at all.
Yes, I think restricting the music to one format, e.g. vinyl, is a limitation and should thus be avoided. Not the format but the music should be in the focus, no? But in this genre it usually doesn’t make any sense to do two different formats. If I see the potential for two formats, I am trying to do it, like just with the Poeme Electronique album.
As for downloads, well I had some requests to provide them but not too many, and I simply miss the time to get into this, and it sounds like more unpleasant work in making agreements and payments with the bands, etc., so I always offered the bands to do it on their own, which, to my knowledge, was done by Poeme Electronique, Twins Natalia and Carmody so far.

• GR: What vinyl players and appropriate equipment of today could you recommend for a listener who is interested in playing vinyl albums but doesn’t know much about it?

Marc: Ah, I actually only face troubles with any sort of technical devices and electronic instruments. Therefore, I pass on this question, hehe. Only one remark: sometimes it surely makes sense to spend a buck or two more to make sure you got some quality product.

• GR: At the official site of Anna Logue Records you’ve got a “shop” section where there are some rare minimal wave releases. Do you take them from your private collection or somewhere else and what is the purpose of this page?

Marc: No, this shop was set up to sell releases by other contemporary labels of the genre that Anna is friends with. We support each other, at least, I have always tried to support others which unfortunately does not mean it happened the other way around… But then, of course, it is also there to earn some money which I need(ed) urgently for our Sanctuary for Senior Dogs (vet’s bills and food cost a fortune, you know…). Sometimes I get my hands on a batch of original 80’s records, but I am not looking for them with priority, it is a side-effect of the label’s work, and then I try to make them available to the public at very nice prices so that anybody could afford them. That’s how very rare and expensive records like the The Higher Primates 7” made it onto the record shelfs of many people.

• GR: Did the amount of people who were interested in the production of your label since its opening wondered you or you expected something different? Do you see an increasing interest towards rare 80’s music after these few years?

Marc: Hmm, to be frank, I was always hoping to raise much more interest. Getting 400 or 500 vinyl copies sold over a couple of years doesn’t sound like a big success to me. But the people listening to this music are pretty loyal and persistent. And yes, over the years, more people got aware of that music and the small labels, so there was definitely an increase in interest. These days I am doing fine and I am content, but I am still trying hard to find some distributors and to attract people from similar/other scenes, that I think might enjoy this music, too.

• GR: Did you have any attention from (independent) press (magazines, webzines, blogs etc)? What places on the web could you recommend for a new fans of minimal wave to get information about recent news of the “scene”, re-releases etc?

Marc: Not really, no. Attention, interest and support is almost zero. If you don’t act yourself then nothing happens, and from your actions almost nothing positive evolves as well. It is very frustrating to be honest, but never give up… So, again I must point out that without the persistent interest and loyalty of the customers, I am afraid that Anna would be dead and gone by now. The “outside world” really doesn’t seem to care.

• GR: What’s your opinion towards the regenerated interest in general 80’s pop-culture that happens today everywhere? We face the revivals of old bands, some typical changes in different forms of art (visual, audio etc)…. Is that a normal way of things or a confirmation of the fact that there’s almost nothing interest and significant in today’s art? What about lacks and dignities of such tendency?

Marc: Renaissance and giving birth to the same old crap again and again seems to be part of human evolution. As for the 80’s revivals, I think it’s nice as it had so much to offer. It was exciting and threatening times that made people to act and express themselves in many ways. Music-wise with the availability of affordable synthesisers and rhythm units, music history was truly revolutionized. “History repeats itself”, so they say, but the Zeitgeist (the spirit, the atmosphere, a mirror of the specific times) cannot be simulated or emulated. If you look at the Electroclash, that was an 80’s retro thing, but it totally lacked its original soul and motivation, it is nothing that touched me, and I did not even notice when it disappeared as it was never a part of my life.
I do not think that today’s artists have nothing new, interesting or important to offer. Music-wise, Sigur Rуs, as a contemporary group, was a relevation to me, and there is always new movements and ideas. Maybe the problem is more that people, the consumers, are overladen and burnt-out. Do we really have the time, motivation and will to drown in the details or hidden layers of a painting, or a music album, or whatever? It is difficult today, I think, there is just too much crap surrounding us at any time, that’s why I think good quality will only be seen by a select few, those who really care. Maybe then I shall regard my sales numbers as positive sign.

• GR: A question about your minimal-wave TWINS NATALIA project that perfectly fits the concept of your label. How was it started and what could you say about its future? What sound equipment did you use to get such clear and authentic sound?

Marc: I think I was sending Dave Hewson (from Poeme Electronique) a few demos of mine, and probably he said he wanted to do a version of the track “Kleiner Satellit”. Steve Lippert (our dear graphic designer and owner of the Attractive Co-ordinates label) is permanently letting his mind spin around artificial band names and track titles, so he came up with Twins Natalia for this project as well as the graphic presentations. Julie Ruler and Sharon Abbott (both from Poeme Electronique) were recruited on vocals and the result was outstanding. As I have like hundreds of demos, we agreed on going on this way and released one 7” on Anna Logue Records. We have just included our third track “Destiny” to the “The Anna Logue Years” 2CD compilation, and Dave is working hard on the remaining tracks for an album whenever he can. We were hoping to get it released within 2010, so let’s see. Dave is an educated and professional musician, doing like everything from classical/orchestral music to music for BBC documentaries or news broadcasts. He has a very sophisticated studio set up and thus he is able to produce any sort of music and have it sound right. Sometimes I have to remind him about my intentions, like: Dave, this part has to sound darker, or this part is a no-go, but Dave knows me well, and we form the tracks together with him being the only performer which is good.

• GR: What’s your opinion towards the current condition in music industry and the march of the digital formats + so-called ipod generation? Is it difficult today to keep an independent label and what’s your opinion about the illegal music downloads?

Marc: I cannot tell much about how the music industry works, and I am not interested in it. I have my own vision of the label’s work and aims and we will proceed with it as long as we can, no more and no less. I love my iPod, by the way, but I also love my CDs and vinyls, it is a matter of occasion, mood or whatever. The important thing is that people do not steal, and with mp3s it is so tempting and easily done. For me, downloading an mp3 illegally is no other than stealing a physical CD in a warehouse (as an act of taking something that is not yours), it is a criminal act as you infringe other people’s rights. I always said, that I have no understanding that people think they can have everything without giving something. I do accept the fact that I can not have everything that I want. On the other hand, I see sharing mp3s is like copying cassettes in the 80’s. The thing only is that people should buy the music they like, and I am afraid they don’t do. Just getting the mp3s and having and enjoying them, thus feeding on others intellectual property and hard work, like parasites. If your argument is, I do not own a turntable, well, go buy one if you wanna listen to the music that you claim to like and desire so much. All liars and thieves, but as said above, looking for your personal advantage, I hate that, and I hate them.

• GR: How do you see the existence of Anna Logue Records in 2010 or next 2-3 years? Do you have plans to expand the conception of label somehow or perform any changes with it making it more recognizable?

Marc: 2010 has been and will be a marvelous year, and we have many more great projects almost finished. There will be a few co-operations with other labels, e.g. with Mannequin from Rome, Italy. Also we will re-release a few earlier releases in CD format, we have already started work on the first two re-issues. So, Anna Logue Records was set up to be a long-lasting adventure and I do not see it ending too soon. Yes, of course, I would like to expand, but only in the sense of getting a good distribution network together and to increase sales numbers. That would make room for me for more creative work and projects. The vision and the sound will never change, but I have shown to be open-minded: The Hands Of Cain (as the only Dark Wave group in the roster), for example, was received very well, we are now curious how the instrumental Electro music of Delayscape will do. Also, I am not sure about if I’d like to be Anna that big so that I could make a living from it for me and my family. It is most probably much more than a hobby at this point, but doing it next to a daytime job and family life it keeps me busy and away from bad thoughts, so, let’s see what future will bring.

• GR: You’re really interested in the problems of animal protection. How did you come to acknowledgment of this fact and were you performing any activity as a member of any animal protection program?

Marc: That came from my personal development in my late youth. I was never doing well in social behaviour, I felt totally displaced in this society. I observed the people and found not much similarities to myself. I was pretty much disgusted by humanity and became pretty misanthropic. I felt pity with the animals who are suffering under the reign of man. I felt like being connected to them and their unfortunate fate. Seeing their fates often made me so angry and sometimes cry. I became at least a vegetarian, I didn’t want to be part of that slaughterhouse the world was (and still is).
No, I never joined any association or was never actively acting on behalf of any, but this was probably due to my wish not to associate with others or to appear in public. Nowadays, I am more relaxed with social contacts, but I am still living some sort of my own life in between the normal network and my own isolation walls. It works well for me, and with my girlfriend I try the best to participate in animal protection actions, but she is driving force and very active part here, but I support her wherever I can, even if time is always the limiting factor.

• GR: What do you like to do in your spare time if you’re not doing something that is connected with music? What literature, movies or any other activities do you like?

Marc: Good question, that I thought of many times over the last year or two, as: I have no spare time. I was always hiding this under the cover of saying in positive way: I am never bored. But this is like blinding myself from the truth. I have a regular job, Anna Logue Records is another full-time job (each evening, all weekends and holidays), and the animals need their attention, too. It leads to many negative aspects: the lack of personal social and intellectual development, the lack of any cultural exploration, no holidays, no nothing … but hey, that’s the deal, let’s do it as long as it is fun. I still can read some books when 75 years old… Can I? I am not sure, we will see, maybe it is time to step on the brake and take a deep breath. Anyway, what I also miss most is playing my synths and compose new tracks, but later this year, the studio will be totally re-built, so then I must make time for this purpose at least.

• GR: At the end once again we’d like to thank you for your answers. If you have any words for a conclusion – you’re welcome to say it. Have a nice day!

Marc: I would like to thank you, Phil, for those interesting questions, a pleasure for me to answer them, and actually a good opportunity to reflect on my own life.
My only wish is that everybody reading this shall think about his/her attitude towards how they act towards animals themselves, and if there isn’t something they can do to make the miserable lives of all those beautiful creatures a better one, may it be on their eating plates, or by giving a local animal from the animal shelter a nice and loving home, or if you can’t do that, then support some organizations at least money-wise. Doesn’t it break your heart when you see them suffering?

All question by Phil for http://www.gothicrock.ru ©



Ⓥ Marc Ⓥ

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