hi i,m looking for theese singles for trade or buy
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Log 10 - Step in the Dark 7”
Passing Strangers - Nightdreams 7”
Tommy de Chirico - Close Your Eyes 7 EP
EASTER RISING 1982 belgium comp LP
second Thoughts - Never Seen 7 UK 1985
pursuit of colour - Rodomontade 7 UK 1984
power of three - The Room 7 EP
gentlemann in war - Why many things in the End 12 EP ITALY 1987
Boys say go - joey and maria/love is dangerous 7”
PURE FORM “I Work in a Factory / The Truth” 7” sg. (Pure Form Records, USA 1984)
BOLZANO WEIERSTRASS “Vie d’ivresse / Venus bitches” 7” sg. (Cabana, France 1987)
PURE FORM “I Work in a Factory / The Truth” 7” sg. (Pure Form Records, USA 1984
SHOULD ALOUD anybody there single UK 1984
VHF – Fist Impressions LP UK 1982
octover another Metropolis - Another 7 Sw 1987
le sene la Boheme - Standing in the rain 7 UK 1982
dymaxion - The Fusion Nightmare 7 EP UK 1986
daemon deluxe - Rumors 7 EP USA 1984
deathly Quiet ! -The Next Step AUS 1987
bizarre Device - Robert 7 AUS 1982
Alastair Riddell 7” Zero
Picture book 7” laughing in my hand
The Lawyers of death 7” thoughts
Company of state- 7” discipline
End Of Your Garden – Test 7”
a blaze colour 7” against the dark trees beyond
amin peck-7” love disgrace
This Perfect day 7” The garden
the Games 7” Chidsplay
Silent ambition 7” I remember
if you have some of theese records , you can contact to me in this email:
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