I think the lowest price out of the ones that just sold is still to expensive for you though.
- Based on your uncanny ability to buy $400 records
for $4.99 Buy It Nows :wink:
Thanks for calling me brilliant
but nothing can be as brilliant as these two quotes of yours :wink:
“I’d rather hang myself than be a sellout.”
“I would of never moved to Rotterdam if it wasn’t for the job.”
I am humbled by your intelligence and stoic valiance.
You did not say you have no dutch minimal synth records anywhere, but since you live in Holland, and you told me you don’t have the best dutch minimal synth 7” , and a relevant compilation that is from the city where you live then it is not hard to come to the conclusion that you are not a collector.
In terms of throwing money around on ebay that is not to hard. Money comes, and it goes. I collect records to have and enjoy, not to prove anything to anyone, or try to be better than anyone. I have no ego about my collection, or doing architecture.
I’m sorry to dash all your hopes, but I don’t have a Daddy :wink:
I have a dad, and he is not rich 
I’m sure you can understand why a person would want and covet the Transparent Illusion 7”. You can ask the top synth collectors their top five singles, and I’m sure this record would be in all of their lists.
I too know that I cannot have all the records in the world. It has been a long time since I gave up trying to buy all the depeche mode and joy division bootlegs. I think each collector comes up with their own idea of a standard of the records they want in their collection. I don’t have all the Iron Curtain records either. I only have the ones which I think are good which are the Terror Story 7” and the Tarantula Scream 12”. I had the Shadow 12” which I traded, and the like a family 7” which I sold.
In determining what you need to keep in order to have space in your home though I’m sure you know you don’t need to keep any of it. There is soul seek, and there is the internet. So to say you don’t buy very important minimal synth records based on space issues seems a somewhat dishonest viewpoint in terms of collecting this genre in my opinion. If you are going to collect a genre of course you should go after the great records. I think each collector has the priorites of what they want based on rarity, greatness, and cost. I think that you don’t want the Transparent Illusion 7” based on cost more than anything, and I think that is honest.
I wasn’t attacking the Maskindans double CD. I was using it to prove a point to give you some insight into how your standard of collecting could be viewed in regards to your own merchandising. In a way it does fit the bill as something to pass over according to your standards. I looked at the track listing, and I see Bern Balders. I have that 7” so there is one reason for me not to get the CD, and when I see another 7” I have then there is another reason, and so on….
And when it comes to the Pet Shop Boys you know I have the “West End Girls” 7”
Chagrin Receiver and Guilty Rich Man we’re listed in Volume 2: The international discography of the new wave, and that is how they showed up on want lists. I don’t think they exist. The u.k. portion of the discography was for a large part based on John Peels collection. And since John Peel is dead, and his collection has been acquired by a non minimal synth collector who sells on ebay, and neither of these unknown Transparent Illusion records showed up it is more likely that they don’t exist, but we’re planned as future releases, and maybe Peel or someone had a promotional letter with their copy in regards to these releases.
I asked Dave who produced the LP, and he said he only worked with Roy Young for 2 days, and that was it. And that was for the Still Human recording. He never saw him again, and he said there we’re no other members in the band. The 7” has 3 members listed on it, but Dave said the other people we’re just people that worked in the studio.
I also asked atgreatfm about the records. He collects only u.k. records from 76 to 83, and has been for the last 30 years, and he does not have either of these unknown Transparent Illusion records.
To me not only are the Transparent Illusion records amazing, but I think what makes them even more attractive is the mystery that surrounds them. Roy Young, hopefully never to be found :wink: