It is with immense pride and excitement that I announce the arrival of this day which many of us in the WIERD World have waited for for a long time, as this Wednesday evening May 27th WIERD Records presents the official NYC release party for the debut album by our beloved Blacklist entitled Midnight of the Century! As we have so often paraphrased one of our many philosophical heroes Spinoza who once said ‘All great things are truly difficult and rare…’ I would add to this belief that this record has also proven creating such things also requires a tremendous amount of sweat, blood and struggle to complete in an absolutely uncompromised way, and this massively uplifting sonic tornado of cold guitar pleasure is most certainly no exception
This week at the WIERD Party we will host an open rum and vodka bar from 10:30-11:30 at which time we will play Midnight of the Century in its entirety, to be followed by a FREE champagne toast at midnight for everyone commencing a long lovely evening with our two of our ever-unfailingly supportive guest DJs Patrick(of Salvation, Necromantic, and the Albion Parties) and Frankie Teardrop(Exotic Birds Party, Revel Hotel). I hope everyone who has long followed the band and WIERD will come out this week, as above all we really all want to thank you for all your support and interest over the years…the rarest of the very rare indeed!
For anyone who would like a preview of the record and its trax please visit the website and the band’s MySpace page to check out the soundclips, MP3s and additional info.:
Also this past Sunday evening May 24th DJ Pre-Op Trans, Sean and Liz of Xeno & Oaklander/Martial Canterel, and Pieter VR presented a new edition of the WIERD Records Radio show on Veronica Vasicka’s Minimal-Electronik Plus show on East Vilage Radio. On this program we debuted one of the new LP’s undeniably soon to be singles ‘The Believer’ for the first time, anyone interested can now listen to the stream by visiting:
(simply click on the ‘listen to the most recent show here” link)
Here is the tracklisting for the show, hope you all enjoy it and see you all on Wednesday evening, Midnight finally is upon us at last! :
1. Conrad Schnitzler - ‘Live Action Part I’ (1977, Live Performance CD)
2. Snowy Red - ‘Come on Dance’(s/t LP 1981/RIP Mickey Mike 1957-2009)
http://rtbf.be/info/societe/musique/dec ... ock-110700
3. We - ‘Nothing Comes for Free’(LP, Genetic Music 2006)
4. I Scream - ‘Chinese Rocking’(7”)
5. The Misz - ‘Only Lunies Fall’(K7)
6. Cleaners From Venus - ‘This Rainy Decade’(K7)
7. What’s In a Name? - ‘Until Death Do Us Part’(K7)
8. Das Ding - ‘Highly Sophisticated Techno’(K7)
9. Inner Lanscapes - ‘Over the Edge’(‘Gospel According to…’ LP, 1983)
10. Henri Zo(Martial Canterel + Epee du Bois) - ‘Bunker’(Unreleased…VR)
11. Le Monk - ‘The Actor’(Unreleased, 2008)
12. Ashrae Fax - ‘Track #3’(‘Static Crush’ Demo, Unreleased 2002)
http://www.myspace.com/ashraefax, http://posifeed.blogspot.com/2008/03/as ... crash.html
13. Further Reductions - ‘Familiar Flights(Unreleased, 2009)
14. Blacklist - ‘The Believer’(‘Midnight of the Century’, Wierd Records 2009…VR!!!)
15. Arnaud Lazlaud - ‘Elan’(7”, Kernkrach 2008)
16. Led er Est - ‘Bikini Fun’(Unreleased, 2009)
17. F.M.Q. - ‘Nocturnal Horror’(LP)
18. The Klingons - ‘Society’(K7)
19. Vision Factory - ‘Bird From Fez’(Self-Released 7”, 1990)
20. Twice a Man - ‘Decay’(‘Music for Girls’ LP 1982)
21. Oppenheimer Analysis - ‘Scorpions’(‘New Mexico’ K7, 1982)
22. Xeno & Oaklander - ‘Ransacked’(Unreleased, 2004)
23. Martial Canterel - ‘La Folie du Monde’(Self-Released CDr, 2004)
24. Shoc Corridor - ‘A Blind Sign’ (‘A Blind Sign’ EP, Shout Records 1982)
Pieter, Patrick, and Frankie Teardrop Spin Blacklist’s Midnight of the Century!
Wednesday, May 27th 10pm-4am
(open rum and vodka bar from 10:30-11:30 and FREE champagne toast at Midnight!)
WIERD @ Home Sweet Home
131 Chrystie St. at Delancy, NYC
Coming Soon to the WIERD World:
Wed May 27th: WIERD Presents the Blacklist ‘Midnight of the Century’ LP(WIERD Rec. cat#VR006) Release Party with DJs Patrick(Albion/Salvation/Necromantic Parties) and DJ Frankie Teardrop(Revel Hotel/Exotic Birds Party BKNY)!
Tues June 2nd: Led er Est and Silk Flowers at Glasslands Gallery
Wed June 3rd: WIERD Presents Micki Pellerano’s new Ritualistic Musical Opus “The Eleusinian Mysteries” featuring a live performance by Skin Drink(w/members of Cult of Youth) and DJ Pre-Op Trans’ B-day Party with Anarexia!!!
Thurs June 4th: WIERD Presents Tamaryn and Religious to Damn Live at The Annex, 152 Orchard St., NYC, doors 11pm: http://www.theannexnyc.com/
Wed June 10th: WIERD Presents the Return of Death Domain(Baltimore) with guest DJ Veronica Vasicka(Minimalwave Records/NYC): http://www.myspace.com/deathdomainmotif
Wed June 17th: WIERD Presents the Live Debut of SEXUAL ASSAULT RIFLE - the new minimal synth project from Jonathan Canady of Angel of Decay/Deathpile + Ms Susie Q!)/Philadelphia http://www.myspace.com/sqsq
Wed June 24th: WIERD Presents the Return of Sleep Museum http://www.myspace.com/sleepmuseumwith guest DJs Katie Rose and Shawn NoEQ(Further Reductions/Led er Est)
Wed July 1st: WIERD Presents a Live Performance by Zola Jesus(Madison, WI) http://www.myspace.com/zolajesus
Wed July 8th: WIERD VResents the return of Further Reductions! http://www.myspace.com/furtherreductions
Fri July 9th-Sun July 12th: Blacklist + DJ Pieter + more Tba at the NYC Eye and Ear Fesstival http://www.nyeyeandear.com/
Wed July 15th: WIERD Presentys the Debut of the Kings of Upstate New York Minimal Electronics HEAD TRIP CONCEPTION!: http://www.myspace.com/trippingonconception
Sat July 18th: Agnes b./Paris and WIERD Records NYC Present a day of Minimal Electronic Music featuring Live Performances by Xeno & Oaklander, Cheveu, and DJ Pieter VR + more guests tba at The PS1 Contemporary Art Center, LIC/NY!
Wed July 22nd: WIERD welcomes the Cold Guitar Pleasures of Amazon Dart!(featuring Ms. Dalila and Matt Johnson - Rufus Wainright/Jeff Buckley) http://www.amazondart.com/
Wed July 29th: WIERD Presents the Return of Silk Flowers http://www.myspace.com/silkflowersnyc
Wed Aug 5th: WIERD Presents the Return of Epee du Bois!
Coming in September: WIERD Welcomes the US Debut of Les Sirènes Débrouillardes from Witten, Germany!!! : http://www.myspace.com/lessirnesdbrouillardes