Well I never in all my years did I think it possible I would live to experience this same VRevent twice as I first did back in the frozen cold daze of 2005, but on behalf of WIERD Records I would like to say that this morning my hair straightener melted my mouse…VR…This is now officially the SECOND TIME this sentence has every been uttered in the history of the English language.:
Thank you to everyone who braved the far beyond ‘local only’ 90 minute train ride up to Columbia for the Xeno & Oaklander show on Sunday afternoon, seeing our Very Rare heroes M.Canterel and Ms. Xeno singing to the big WIERD world beneath a fragile cherry blossom tree gently swaying away to the sounds of the CR-78 in the lovely afternoon Xanten breeze of the frozen hot sun..this one was certainly a sight to remember. Our beloved in-house discursive documentarian Mr. Teardrop has poetically denoted his as always astute thoughts on the afternoon’s activities with a few nice images here:
Frankie Teardrop’s Lime Wire Music blog: http://blog.limewire.com/posts/15394-xeno-and-oaklander-barnard-college-nyc-42609/
Xeno & Oaklander Photos courtesy of Ms. Natalie and Astrid Bornaparte III:
The photos from last weeks wild evening in the amazingly luxurious Revel Hotel are up as well:
The lifelong Lady of the WIERD night Ms. Shadowtime has graciously reviewed last week’s live performance here:
Well as mysteriously as ever a new live video of Frank(just Frank)‘s fantastic performance at the ‘WIERD Presents:’ show at the Annex appeared online for the great track ‘Crisis’ off the ‘Brutal Wave’ Demo tapes:
I’m very happy to say I just received the first shipment of Chris and Kirti’s debut CDr Compilation release on their just established Ligurian Records Label! In anticipation of the band’s debut LP which they are set to begin recording in a few weeks this first readily aVRailable collection of songs entitled ‘The Brutal Wave Demo’ includes nearly all the bands recorded trax to date including those included on both ‘The Brutal Wave’(2007) and ‘Decontrol’(2008) demo tapes and CDrs as well as 3 new songs! This release will be available via the WIERD Records website beginning next Tuesday. The tracklist tentatively looks like this:
Frank(just Frank) - ‘The Brutal Wave Demo’
Ligurian Records 001, 2009
1. Collapse(Manifesto)
2. Crisis(Addiction/Desire)
3. Beneath(Let Us Dance)
4. Mr. Itagaki(6/8/45)
5. Die in Bed(Dream/Love/Nightmare)
6. Xenoglot
7. Trip(Demo Version)
8. Why Don’t You Call Me?
9. My Skin
10. I Tried So Hard
Tomorrow night, Thursday April 30th The WIERD World will be descending on Santos’ for a great evening of minimal electronic pleasure featuring live performances by Led er Est(9pm), Steve Moore of Zombi(10pm), and Martial Canterel(11pm) with DJs Veronica Vasicka of Minimalwave Records and J.Beton of the great Krankheit Party: http://www.santospartyhouse.com/
And Speaking of Minimalwave, the WIERD Records Radio Show from Sunday evening April 12th is now archived in MP3 form here…get it while its still cold as it won’t be around for much longer: http://www.eastvillageradio.com/auto-archives/10/EVR-10-MinimalElectronikPlus-04-12-09.mp3
OK this week WIERD is honored to play hostess to our fave ExtraVRestial creature of the Dark Synth NYC night as we celebrate the birth of ANAREXIA at Midnight! As a the infamously elusive Ms. Pre-Op Trans recently said of our queen mega-bitch “COME ON OUT TO WIERD AND SEE HER HAVE HER CAKE AND NOT EAT IT OOOH!!!”...needless to say this evening should be one for the freeky frigid Insekts of the Very Rare Night!: http://www.myspace.com/anarexia
As if this weren’t uncomfortable and as wonderfully awkward as ever rumors have tonite we will also be playing host to NYC’s King of Conceptuo-Minimale Synthetic visual WIERDness M. Epee du Bois who will also be celebrating his emergence from the frozen cold womb tonite!!! http://www.myspace.com/epeedubois
Pieter, Anarexia and Pre-Op Trans Spin the Undeniably Dysphoric Pleasures of ANAREXIA!!!!
Wednesday April 29th 10pm-4am
(Very Rare ANAREXIA and Epee du Bois Birthday SELLABRATIONS at Midnight!)
WIERD @ Home Sweet Home
131 Chrystie St. at Delancy, NYC
Info: (212)226-5708
Coming Soon to the WIERD World:
Thurs April 30th: Martial Canterel, Led er Est, and Steve Moore(Zombi) Live at Santos’ Party House, NYC
Wed May 6th: WIERD Presents a Live performance by N. Antolik with guest DJ Veronica from Minimalwave Records…VR
Wed May 13th: Martial Canterel, Envenomist, Hive Mind, and R Jencks - No Fun Fest Pre-Party at WIERD(first performance begins VRomptly at 11pm sharp!
Fri May 15th: Xeno and Oaklander Live at the No Fun Fest 2009 at the Music Hall of Williamsburg, BKNY!(sold out)
Sat May 16th: Blacklist and The Violet Hour Live at Glasslands, BKNY
Wed May 20th: WIERD Presents the Return of Cult of Youth with guest DJ Jeralyn!
Wed May 27th: WIERD Presents a Live Performance by The Psychics with guest DJ Jeffo!
Wed June 3rd: WIERD Presents Micki Pellerano’s new Ritualistic Musical Opus “The Eleusinian Mysteries”!!!
Wed June 10th: WIERD Presents the Return of Death Domain(Baltimore)
Wed June 17th: WIERD Presents the Live Debut of SEXUAL ASSAULT RIFLE - the new minimal synth project from Jonathan Canady of Angel of Decay/Deathpile + Ms Susie Q!)/Philadelphia
Wed June 24th: WIERD Presents the Return of Sleep Museum
Wed July 1st: WIERD Presents a Live Performance by Zola Jesus(Sacred Bones Records/Madison, WI) + Wet Hair
Wed July 8th: WIERD VResents the return of Further Reductions!
Wed July 15th: WIERD Presentys the Dbut of the Kings of Upstate New York Minimal Electronics HEAD TRIP CONCEPTION!
http://www.headtripconception.com/ , http://www.myspace.com/trippingonconception
Coming in September: WIERD Welcomes the US Debut of WIERD Compilation II Artist Vendome(Andreas Sippel of Second Decay) and Les Sirènes Débrouillardes from Witten, Germany!!! : http://www.myspace.com/lessirnesdbrouillardes