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Review the releases from ANNA LOGUE RECORDS here
Posted: 05 May 2006 11:42 PM   [ Ignore ]  
Total Posts:  455
Joined  2005-12-04


I would like to take the opportunity to use this forum to learn about your opinions on the releases from Anna Logue Records. In the first place, of course, we want to know what you think about the music released and the products as a whole. Feel free to leave both positive and, if present, also negative comments, so we know how to improve our products and services.

Then, you might imagine, especially the artists would like to know what the buyers think about their music. That way, Anna can easily refer them - as well as interested people - to this web site.

Thank you for co-operation and hope to read many comments from you soon!



Ⓥ Marc Ⓥ

Posted: 09 May 2006 02:54 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  27
Joined  2006-01-25

If only you could re-edit a day on Anna Logue Records the famous (and impossible to find !) record : League of Nations “Music for the New Depression”.

So many people look for this rare collector (like me for example !).
This incredible mini album remastered on a 180 grams vinyl : I dream, I dream, ... smile

Posted: 24 June 2006 11:23 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  455
Joined  2005-12-04

[quote author=“Sencha”]If only you could re-edit a day on Anna Logue Records the famous (and impossible to find !) record : League of Nations “Music for the New Depression”.

If anybody gets me in contact with David Sinfield/Laurie Jean, I’ll do it! I also asked for help on Iron Curtain but nobody’s helping…

Btw, it’s really sad there is absolutely no interest in this topic. I wonder why ? Is there a general disinterest in Anna Logue Records ? Are you not able to get the label’s releases at a reasonable price (there are no orders from America .... WHY ?) ? Do you think I shall start partnerships with distributors in your country ? Or are you just lazy or disinterested in doing so ?



Ⓥ Marc Ⓥ

Posted: 25 June 2006 03:33 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  153
Joined  2006-04-10

Hello Anna. I should know 10% of the bands you talk about, and I am not a DJ, so I wait the right moment to make purchase.  :oops:

Posted: 26 June 2006 02:58 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  644
Joined  2005-12-04

[quote author=“AnnaLogue”]

Btw, it’s really sad there is absolutely no interest in this topic. I wonder why ? Is there a general disinterest in Anna Logue Records ? Are you not able to get the label’s releases at a reasonable price (there are no orders from America .... WHY ?) ? Do you think I shall start partnerships with distributors in your country ? Or are you just lazy or disinterested in doing so ?

Hey Marc,
It’s Carlo (Miami) wink
for me it’s a matter of shipping.
I like to wait for more releases to come out and place a larger order to save some money. The german post it’s expensive! it’s almost as much as a record!
Lately I have been getting most new releases from Jorg.

As for the Anna releases….to be completly honest with you, I didn’t like the camera obscura LP that much. Some songs are fine but in overall it’s not a strong release. It’s my honest opinion. I’ll send you my order for the sleep museum in the coming days. The samples sound promising.


It’s all about the aboveground!

Posted: 29 June 2006 08:32 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  305
Joined  2005-12-06

Marc, till now, I really like all the releases from you and I can’t wait to get more of it.
Ok, I prefer the more synthpop than obscure music and so I like Camera Obscura and really like the slight darkness of Sleepmuseum.

Keep on the good work !!!


NEON-WELT Parties & Konzerte

Posted: 29 June 2006 08:44 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 6 ]  
Total Posts:  840
Joined  2006-03-03

Me too like the Camera Obscura LP!! It rokks.

Getting your other releases soonish, talktoyousoon.

Posted: 29 June 2006 09:50 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 7 ]  
Total Posts:  330
Joined  2005-12-14

As already said in another topic : the lp of Sleep Museum is one of the rare NEW music releases (I’m not talking about re-releases of old material) I really like : not too poppy and a nice dark background.

The b-side of the 7” of Camera Obscura is also a nice surprise to me.  The lp is not too bad, but a little too poppy to me. I’m afraid my nickname on this forum tells everything about my interests. :D

Is someone could re-release old material form League of Nations, Iron Curtain etcetera, I would be very happy.  The Ceramic Hello lp is now re-released; I can’t wait the moment that someone gets in contact with the other minimal heroes to get the permission to re-release all that yummie-stuff. raspberry

Posted: 08 August 2006 09:13 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 8 ]  
Total Posts:  560
Joined  2006-03-18

I bought the Camera Obscura and Sleep Museum albums from Anna Logue Records last week and think they are really good releases.

The Camera Obscura LP is a nice little synthpop gemm that deserved to be rereleased.

The Sleep Museum LP I am very impressed with. This project has a distinct slightly dark and cold sound that I like and I hope to hear more of this band in the future.

Keep up the good work Marc! smile


Brian Eno sank my battleship

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