League of Nations |
Posted: 10 July 2008 09:03 AM |
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Posted: 10 July 2008 10:06 AM |
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[ # 2 ]
Total Posts: 501
Joined 2007-02-21
“Massive liquidation sale” my arse. Looks like somebody is taking the mickey again. :?
Wasn’t Sky82 the ebay profile of our Minimal Wave Mickey?
Posted: 10 July 2008 10:50 PM |
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[ # 3 ]
Total Posts: 75
Joined 2006-01-05
He´s such a sucker. Why can´t this guy do anything right? :twisted:
Grabbed “Thin Ice Door” from a circulating bootleg cd or mp3 file and where are the 3 other tracks of the promo-12”?
It wouldn´t take me wonder if he finds some nerdy fools who buy this crap for 98eur, cause we know that “each day a new dimwit gets up”. [It´s quite difficult to translate a german saying into english without changing the meaning… :oops: ]
Posted: 11 July 2008 01:16 AM |
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[ # 4 ]
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I am lucky to have the original vinyl, but I think that the reissue is better than nothing. If I did not have the original record, I would have bought this bootleg because this LP is so fantastic. It’s the minimal Holy Grail of my collection. 
Posted: 11 July 2008 01:48 AM |
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[ # 5 ]
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Well, it surely is at a very high position on my want list, but I’d rather try to kill myself until it really really hurt before I’d buy anything from Mickey.
I really hope one of the usual suspects (VOD, Minmal Wave, AnnaLogue etc.) will provide us with a legal high-quality re-release anytime soon.
2008 saw Experimental Products, Das Kabinette and Iron Curtain, so there is hope. :D
Posted: 11 July 2008 03:21 AM |
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[ # 6 ]
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[quote author=“falck”]
2008 saw Experimental Products, Das Kabinette and Iron Curtain, so there is hope. :D
Indeed - & it’s still only July!
But who would touch this once the bootlegs get spread around? Hands up who would buy the bootleg for, say 20 euros, tops, then if the album gets officially reissued, get that as well?
I think the damage is done, and this item will put the breaks on anyone wanting to reissue L of N… Hope I’m wrong though!
Posted: 11 July 2008 03:21 AM |
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[ # 7 ]
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Sorry Spart, I said “bootleg” but of course I meant “pirate”...
Posted: 11 July 2008 03:44 AM |
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[ # 8 ]
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[quote author=“reactorlgtn”]
But who would touch this once the bootlegs get spread around? Hands up who would buy the bootleg for, say 20 euros, tops, then if the album gets officially reissued, get that as well?
I think the damage is done, and this item will put the breaks on anyone wanting to reissue L of N… Hope I’m wrong though!
Well same story as ever:
- the Mickey version doesn’t go for Euro 20.- but for Euro 98.- at present, so for what it is it’s absurdly expensive.
- we have no idea what the quality is like - and the max cash posse tends not to remaster
- an official release might contain ALL known tracks + bonus material of some sort
- the moment an official release is out there the value of this “bootleg” will be 0.- Anybody who buys this at Euro 98.- today is taking a large financial risk
So don’t be a mickey and buy from Mickey!
Posted: 11 July 2008 05:25 AM |
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[ # 9 ]
Total Posts: 37
Joined 2006-04-20
Ebay is the paradise of “MINIMAL PIGEON”, price could be 300 euros that will the same…....More it’s expensive and more the “Minimal pigeon” is happy, bootleg or not.
Mickey’s or not Mickey’s, that is the question ! 
........20 euros on discogs for this great lp, don’t miss it !
Total Posts: 501
Joined 2007-02-21
[quote author=“delporte”]Ebay is the paradise of “MINIMAL PIGEON”, price could be 300 euros that will the same…....More it’s expensive and more the “Minimal pigeon” is happy, bootleg or not.
To call people stupid enough to buy from oneself lowly animals in public, now that’s what I call style…. 8)
Ever considered a career in narcotics? That’s were the real money lies, not just some petty cash…
Total Posts: 75
Joined 2006-01-05
[quote author=“falck”]
To call people stupid enough to buy from oneself lowly animals in public, now that’s what I call style…. 8)
Ever considered a career in narcotics? That’s were the real money lies, not just some petty cash… 
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Joined 2007-05-30
This is an appeal to all of you serious collectors out there who, just like me, DETEST all these self-profit bootleggings of rare electronic music vinyls. The songwriters (who actually deserves the money) get f**k all from these reproductions! But that is of course obvious.
I ask you all to report this League of Nations bootleg to Ebay, GEMM, Musicstack, Discogs or wherever EACH AND EVERYTIME YOU SEE IT. This way it won’t be as interesting for retailers and private sellers to buy this fake product from a scam artist anymore, since they will get pulled every time.
I know we are quite a few collectors out there who would even want to see this bastard behind bars. This, however (or, may I say, unfortunately) might be a somewhat more difficult task to accomplish. But for all our sake; let’s make it much harder for guys like this who is clearly only profiting from other peoples good work!
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Joined 2006-01-28
I don’t know about gemm and discogs, but I’m pretty sure ebay is usually pretty good about deleting bootlegs if enough people contact them. I think what strikes me (and apparently most of you as well) as absurd is the insane price that’s being charged for most of these “white label promos” and “massive liquidation sale finds” and “magic mystical nuggets of vinyl that we pulled from our asses”. While bootlegs are deservedly frowned upon, I always thought that their purpose was to make extremely rare/live/demo material available at a reasonable price, albeit illegally. I talked to one of the artists our friend has been bootlegging, and he didn’t seem too concerned about it since nobody (except a, uh… Mickey) is going to pay hundreds for a cheapo bootleg. It completely defeats the purpose. An inexpensive bootleg that’s used until the original is found or an official reissue is made available is one thing, and I’ll admit to having owned a couple less-than-legal records and cds throughout the years (especially before the internet and mp3s). But making ridiculously expensive material available illegally for marginally less ridiculously expensive prices is like printing out a full-scale photograph of the Mona Lisa and trying to sell it for $10,000,000.
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[quote author=“plinque-plonque”]I ask you all to report this League of Nations bootleg to Ebay, GEMM, Musicstack, Discogs or wherever EACH AND EVERYTIME YOU SEE IT. This way it won’t be as interesting for retailers and private sellers to buy this fake product from a scam artist anymore, since they will get pulled every time.
Much as I appreciate the initiative, I must say that it doesn’t appear to be any facility on discogs for reporting bootlegs? It appears that they wash their hands off whatever people are selling, there’s something of a disclaimer there that “discogs is not the seller of this item” or something like that, and I haven’t seen anywhere where you report illegal items.
ebay may be easier though, at least, I know people who have had their accounts deleted for selling bootlegs.
Total Posts: 612
Joined 2005-12-02
[quote author=“reactorlgtn”][quote author=“plinque-plonque”]I ask you all to report this League of Nations bootleg to Ebay, GEMM, Musicstack, Discogs or wherever EACH AND EVERYTIME YOU SEE IT. This way it won’t be as interesting for retailers and private sellers to buy this fake product from a scam artist anymore, since they will get pulled every time.
Much as I appreciate the initiative, I must say that it doesn’t appear to be any facility on discogs for reporting bootlegs? It appears that they wash their hands off whatever people are selling, there’s something of a disclaimer there that “discogs is not the seller of this item” or something like that, and I haven’t seen anywhere where you report illegal items.
ebay may be easier though, at least, I know people who have had their accounts deleted for selling bootlegs.
Every time a copy of this bootleg appears on ebay, the authors or composers of the songs just have to report this to ebay and it will be removed immediately.