Format Artist Title
7” Airfields // Revox Cadets To Heaven a Jet // Tony goes to…
LP Alu Ungesunde Traumbilder
MC Arvid Tuba Nierenstein
7” B-Minors Prom Night
7” Cosmic Overdose Tonight
MC Dazibao France (36/50)
7” Delusive Smiles A Chance to Retire
7” Fast Set Junction One
7” Fox in Socks Sound Patterns
7” Fred All Rights Reserved
7” Genocide Images of Delusion
LP Guyer’s Connection Same
7” Harte, Ciaran Love is Strange
MC Hidious in Strength Line of Souls
LP Indians in Moscow Indians in Moscow
12” Indians In Moscow Big Wheel
12” Indians In Moscow Jack Pelter and his Sex Change…
7” Legion The Show
LP Leon, Craig & Brown, Arthur The Complete Tapes of Atoya
LP Lives of Angels Elevator to Eden
12” Low Noise Jungle Line
7” Negin, Lee Wired for Sound
MC Neu Electro Shake Your Body ‘lectric
MC Parts Auschwitz war wunderbar
12” Peron, Carlos Frigorex (limited edition 594/2300)
7” Political Assassination Suffer To Death
7” Port Said Indian Ocean, Voyage 2 (insert)
7” Portion Control Raise the Pulse (promo)
LP Schatten Unter Eis 1984
LP Secret Sides Station Twang
7” Slim & Lisa Bäst och vackrast
7” Some of my best friends are… Feeling Sheepish
MLP Strangler of the Swamp Animals
7” Sub Muris Honesty
12” Szigethy, André Geisterfahr’n
MC Third Door from the Left Face the Firing Squad
LP Trick 17 Spiegelbilder
MC Twice a Man The Sound of a Goat in a Room
LP Various Artists Azure
7” Various Artists Christmas EP
7” Various Artists Lacerba 4
LP Various Artists Psychomania
LP Various Artists Rumponia – An Answer Within
LP Various Artists Something Stirs
MC Various Artists Visions
LP Various Artists Young Blood
MC Viscera Sweat
7” Voyage/Sight from Life Split 7”
MC XXc Century Zorro La côte d’azur
Write me a PM if interested!