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BrouillardDéfinitif news:A Sordid Poppy & SecondeChambre
Posted: 02 November 2008 06:04 PM   [ Ignore ]  
Total Posts:  349
Joined  2005-12-04

Dear all!

Our new releases are finally out!

A Sordid Poppy - The Holy Sides (1991-1992) CD

In the early 90s, two brothers and few school mates decided to form «A Sordid Poppy»
refering to Siouxsie’s «Poppy Days» and Babel 17 «A Sordid Waste». Their music is always a bit cold but still with some « touching-pop » elements as well as experimental, complex and (then) modern elements. The lyrics are nicely arranged, sometimes surrealistic,  sometimes haughty, but
always terribly decadent !

Their influences are easy to identify, as for exemple The Cure, Mecano, And Also The Trees, Minimal Compact and especially Bauhaus. The tracks on this CD are taken from the demo tapes « Dehiscence » and « Red Cloud Sessions » + one unreleased track. Thanks to these tracks, at last, we can discover some more about this Alsatian band, unrecognized in France, but so familiar for the elders that have have known the “Great East” and its small alternative scene.

Seconde Chambre - Victoires Prochaines 83-89 2xCD

You’ve wated a long time, and it’s finally here! We keep our promises, so this Seconde Chambre release that you waited a long time for, has arrived now!

Not really attentionned of their 80s period, it is now revived and revamped with their come back with this complete wedding production. Seconde Chambre like the Thugs, an other North Western band, has always maintained an unclassifiable genre, a provoctiave immesurably hot, unliked from the cold wave scene from that era. In fact, this band has a unique exciting style. We can correlate sounds ranging from glam-rock to post-punk and psychadelic-rock to garage-rock, but with an exlusive (*hungover) voice that will give the band an original rough aspect.

After all, the style is pleasant to some. This will give birth to their both LPs that genuinely can see the light. We followed several shows and raves until their split was more or less starting to be announced.
A long journey, an enduring story, retraced on this double album, fully remastered, including the chronological LPS “Lord Brain” and “Brisé”, and “An Expensive Party”. All of that incorporating numerous unreleased and live tracks that cover all the best and more astonishing songs from all the rest!

More information about the bands : check our “myspace” top friends or our links.

To order or to get information about the releases:
http://brouillard-definitif. fr/

Our previous productions are still available as the CD from Guerre Froide, the CD of Leitmotiv (almost sold out!), the LP of Humour Malade and the split 7” “Ligne Froide” with Ligne d’Hiver and Saison Froide.

Also, our mailorder is still active and still purpose you some friendly bands to Brouillard Définitif such as the CD of Trouble Fait”, Charles de Goal - new album available on LP or CD, Siekiera CD, May and Femme Fatale CD and some references from the italian label In the Night Time.

Thanks for support AND interest!


D’un sillon l’autre…

Posted: 04 November 2008 09:12 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  495
Joined  2006-02-03

nice new releases! You did the weblink wrong: http://brouillard-definitif.fr/

Posted: 04 November 2008 09:32 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  349
Joined  2005-12-04

ah yes thanks, its because while copy and past, some spaces are coming.


D’un sillon l’autre…

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