i’m looking for more publicity type photos.
i want to look at the clothes and hairstyles.
scans of old FILE magazines would be really cool.
i used to have a few-dont know where they are.
arty new wave stuff. band zines etc.
the album art is cool but im more interested in personal stylings of the artist involved.
maybe a band photos section in the gallery should be added-i’m going to search my old art magazines for images
I have some photo’s i scanned from the VINYL magazines. I’ll send them to snowy one of these days…
there are pictures of a blaze colour, andre de saint obin, fall of saigon, snowy red, early depeche mode, DAF, ralf hütter, schleimer K, ende shneafliet a.o.
I’ve sent the pics to Snowy, so dont forget to remind her now & then to post them :wink:
oh and dont forget to ask for the photo’s she made of genesis p-orridge.
By coincidence i bought one of them a few years ago to only discover a few months ago who the author was 8O
[quote author=“Spartak”] i bought one of them a few years ago
HangonhangonhangonhangonhereJUSTaminute! :!:
Did you buy a picture of Gen P.Orridge? And not because you collected the work of his photographer? Knowing what the man looks like these days, I find this very hard to come to terms with…
What does it matter that you have succumbed to a curious, bizarre hang-up on guys in their fifties who look like people’s grandmothers? You’re not to blame, no doubt you were made this way, and I’m sure I think no less of you for it!
And let me know if you need any recent pics of Kevin Rowland, I’ll do all I can to help. :D