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New Greek label - Eirkti (vinyl only)
Posted: 19 October 2008 11:41 AM   [ Ignore ]  
Total Posts:  349
Joined  2005-12-04

Hello there,

Here’s a topic about a new friend label of Brouillard Définitif which just released his first records!

It is Markos and Ioannis behind that projects which want to release “only vinyl” - old and/or forgotten bands from France, Greece or all over the world. It means they will also press what they like and want.

“Living in eirkti…

More than just a simple independent music label, eirkti constitutes
a basic point of reference for the music that we are in fond of,
the kind of music that we keep on listening to, following, loving and
supporting. We continue enjoying years of `liberating imprisonment΄
in a musical context that determines and is being determined by the way
that we experience reality. However, we judged and we judge that this way
of experiencing reality does not solely refer to an experience of our own
friendly companionship. On the contrary, it constitutes an experience of many
musical friends out there who seek supporters and fellow-travelers
in this long travel of in-ter-est: …and eirkti can only promise
that it will perform all its best in order to maintain that in-ter-est alive.

In this way:

We undertook an extensive effort of communicating with a series of artists,
prominent members of a more obscure and underground culture. Grounded on
their unconditional support we decided to reinvest in the authentic musical works
of a distant era. Those works are centered on the wider ‘dark sound spectrum’,
the one that the French characterized as `cold wave’ or the one that most of us
know as `dark wave’. Additional terms such as `new wave’, `post punk’ or
`minimal synth’ do also comprise the frame of our musical endeavor.
Under all circumstances, it is the music listener who will decide to label
a `musical work’ just as it is the reader who will determine a book’s fate.

We recognized the need of numerous musical fans to listen to and collect
musical pieces of work which were either long out of print or which
had never been released even in the least reliable format (e.g., cassette).
In the first case, we will re-release works, by demonstrating at the same time
our tension to stand up against the phenomenon of a continuous sacrifice
of artistic work in the name of vicious trade. In the second case, we contribute
to the re-establishment - at last!!! - concerning musical pieces of art that due
to unfortunate reasons remained either unreleased or of a strictly limited circulation.

We decided to support our beloved musical format: Vinyl. As we, ourselves,
have been vinyl collectors for many years, we considered the specific format not only
as a very reliable one but also as the one most germane to our aesthetic preferences
and notion. Therefore, -and dependent upon circumstances- our aim is that
eirkti’s releases will be mostly, if not exclusively, on vinyl.”

If you want to order, please go there on their site:


and check their myspace to listen to some tracks:


So first Eirkti releases are:

-Die Bunker lp (France)
-Parallèles de Monségur 7” (France)
-Horis Perideraio lp (Greece)

order now…and long life to this label!

(Thank you for paying attention)


D’un sillon l’autre…

Posted: 19 October 2008 09:20 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  455
Joined  2005-12-04

Within the next few days Anna will be adding 12 new items to her Shop section. They are:

ADOLF FILTER The other Hand on the Knob 7”EP (Enfant Terrible)
ALPHA SEQUENZ Axial Equilibrium LP (SHDR)
ANGIE DAMAGE Nicotine Tongue MCD (Intuition)
CONRAD SCHNITZLER Rare Tracks 1979-1982 12”EP (EDM)
DIE BUNKER Peut-être qu’il n’y a plus rien? LP (Eirkti)
NEON Memories 1980-1986 CD (Intuition)
NOSZTALGIA DIREKTÍVA Nosztalgia Direktíva 7”EP (Enfant Terrible)
PSYCHIC YOUTH Step in Time/The Future now 7” (Private)
RICHARD BONE Experiments ’80-’82 CD (Private)
RICHARD BONE Emerging Melodies CD-R (Private)
VARIOUS ARTISTS Wierd Compilation II 4xLP (Weird)
XORIS PERIDERAIO Horos gia Mousiki LP (Eirkti)

I’ve spoken a lot to Markos over the last weeks and all of this looks very nice and promising. Looking very forward to these vinyls, DIE BUNKER blew me off my shoes, wow!



Ⓥ Marc Ⓥ

Posted: 20 October 2008 08:11 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  727
Joined  2005-12-05

yes die bunker blew me away as well !  very exciting first releases that promise a lot for the future. Let’s hope anosi will see a reissue too, it’s one of my alltime favourite songs.


Delicious toes are swimming in my soup

Posted: 20 October 2008 08:56 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  349
Joined  2005-12-04

indeed, brillant things to come from what i know, can’t wait for it and hope that lps and 7” will sell enough that they can print the previews!!!


D’un sillon l’autre…

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