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M Canterel - Cruelty Reigns Through Ages
Posted: 06 October 2008 05:42 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 46 ]  
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I received the tapes today and I am very happy. It was well worth the wait!

Posted: 06 October 2008 10:43 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 47 ]  
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Joined  2005-12-06
[quote author=“samhain”]I received the tapes today and I am very happy. It was well worth the wait!

same here !


NEON-WELT Parties & Konzerte

Posted: 06 October 2008 11:04 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 48 ]  
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Joined  2007-03-07

Bonjour all,

I have put together a CDr version of the K7 for those who either lack the cutting edge cassette technology or for those who missed out on the Chondritic edition. Of course I have added and subtracted some tracks.  Since they are handmade I will have to keep them somewhat limited.  Not sure of the edition size.  i.e.  100-200.

Martial Canterel - Cruelty Frames Our Age — Xanten CD 004

12 songs:

Forest of Opera
Against Our Age
Haunted By…
Cruelty Reigns Through Ages
I Fail Another Time
Rare Tears
Efface (version)
Hinting at Answers
The Witness

All material recorded December 04 - December 07.

They can be ordered starting next week via Mcanterel@yahoo.com at $11 or 9 Euros. $3 and 5 Euros shipping respectively.

BTW, Michael I have a boxset reserved for you.

Posted: 10 October 2008 08:42 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 49 ]  
Total Posts:  101
Joined  2008-02-12

My package arrived today from Chondritic Sound.  The box set looks excellent!  It is a really nice presentation.  I am on Side B now.  Fantastic!  The Chicago show is tomorrow…

Posted: 15 October 2008 08:35 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 50 ]  
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Joined  2005-12-04

I received the tapes.
Juhu :D

Posted: 16 October 2008 10:32 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 51 ]  
Total Posts:  17
Joined  2008-02-21

can’t believe i’m still waitin on this, kind of losing hope with the guy,
might as well try for the cd, are they already 4sale thru mailorder?

Posted: 16 October 2008 02:46 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 52 ]  
Total Posts:  77
Joined  2007-03-07

yes there are still a few left….
contact: mcanterel@yahoo.com
paypal: nuit.exterieur@gmail.com

Posted: 16 October 2008 09:29 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 53 ]  
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Joined  2006-03-03

You should get the CD anyway since it’s got four tracks not on the cassettes. (And the cassettes have a lot of tracks not on the CD)


Posted: 17 October 2008 09:51 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 54 ]  
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bad service as marketing ploy? I think it’s a bit like the last Radiohead album; ie. that it’s not going to work for everyone every time…

Posted: 17 October 2008 12:08 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 55 ]  
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The fellow who made the release had a broken car for a few weeks; unable to get to the post office.  No marketing ploys there.  Simply an unavoidable hindrance to promptness.  I’m not making excuses for anybody, just conveying information.

Posted: 03 November 2008 08:28 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 56 ]  
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I ordered the CDr as I missed the boat on the cassettes (don’t have a player anyway).  Very nice stuff as always from MC.  I only wish I could get my hands on some of his original LPs…



Bringing you yesterday’s sound of tomorrow today

Posted: 10 November 2008 04:45 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 57 ]  
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mail sent for the CD-R, hoping there’s left…

Posted: 31 January 2009 12:50 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 58 ]  
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Joined  2008-12-01

MC tape

just ordered the CDr, But WHY OH WHY do they always make it so limited those amazing tapes? I just hate to see opportunists buy 5 of each, wait 3 weeks until its sold out and then go and earn money on the heads of the artists. Just make some more copies of those tapes so we can all get them instead of having to spend 10 times the money to get an original one… Its just a tape for christs sake! not worth 100 dollars or whatever…

Come on Sean press the eject and give me the tape wink

Posted: 23 February 2009 12:38 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 59 ]  
Total Posts:  17
Joined  2008-02-21

over six month down the track(and after i already bought the cd version)
the double k7 turned up in the mail
never loose hope ai.

Posted: 06 March 2009 06:13 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 60 ]  
Total Posts:  77
Joined  2006-06-07

still waiting for the 2 copies that i ordered back in august… already bought the cd version too.

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