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Some minimal synth stuff for sale or trade
Posted: 04 February 2007 05:49 AM   [ Ignore ]  
Total Posts:  129
Joined  2005-12-05

7” - 13th and 14th - How Lucky You Are
12” - Aborted At Line 6 - Mammut
LP - AD Conspiracy - Conspiracy
7” - Airfields // Revox Cadets - To Heaven a Jet // Tony goes to…
LP - Alu - Ungesunde Traumbilder
7” - Art Style - Me and Me (b/w Factory Life) (nops)
12” - Bone, Richard - Joy of Radiation
7” - Calendar Crowd - Perfect Hideaway
MLP - Class Action - Class Action
7” - Classified Info - Drug Called Love
7” - Clockwork Orange - Sensation Boys
12” - Coloeur Trois - Dreams of Leaving
MC - Data-Bank-A - Spiritus Sanctus
7” - Decades by Night - Life Spiral
7” - E-Herd - Körper
7” - Eiskalte Engel - Total Normal
7” - Fallout Club - Dream Soldiers
7” - Final Discipline - Empty Pictures
7” - Fox in Socks - Sound Patterns
LP - G-9 - Morg-Gen (inserts)
CD - Hard Corps - Metal and Flesh
7” - Heavenly Action - She Gave Me
7” - Higher Primates - Taking in the Summer b/w Living in a Vacuum (nops)
7” - Iron Curtain - Terror Story
7” - Kivits - Souvenirs
7” - Legion - The Show
LP - Lives of Angels - Elevator to Eden
7” - Lucky Elephants - Spieglein, Spieglein
MLP - Neon Judgement - Mbih!
7” - Neue Jugend - Walpurgisnacht
7” - O’Cuthbert, Martin - Navigator through Nowhere
7” - O’Cuthbert, Martin - Songs for Square Pegs
7” - Once Again - Altogether
7” - Partner Eins - Warum müssen Autos fahren?
12” - Peron, Carlos - Frigorex
LP - Polyphonic Size - Live for each Moment
12” - Portion Control - Go-Talk
LP - Portion Control - Psycho-Bod Saves the World
12” - Portion Control - Purge
12” - Portion Control - Raise the Pulse
7” - Portion Control - Raise the Pulse (promo)
12” - Portion Control - Rough Justice
LP - Portion Control - Step Forward
7” - Portion Control - The Great Divide
12” - Portion Control - The Great Divide
12” - Portion Control - The Great Divide
7” - Pseudo Code - Moon Effect
LP - Rauchquartz - Uferböschung
7” - Some of my best friends are… - Feeling Sheepish
LP - Stanya - LIF
7” - Strange Cargo - Have a Nice Day
MLP - Strangler of the Swamp - Animals
7” - Turqouise Days - Grey Skies
7” - V2 Schneider - Wilde Gier
LP - Various Artists - Azure
MC - Various Artists - Bloody but Chick
MC - Various Artists - Crazy but Chic
LP - Various Artists - Flowmotion
7” - Various Artists - Lacerba 4
MC - Various Artists - Loopy but Chic, Harsh Blend
MC - Various Artists - Loopy but Chic, Soft Blend
LP - Various Artists - Modern Popmusic According…
MC - Various Artists - Noisy but Chick
LP - Various Artists - Primitive Air-Raid (with booklet)
LP - Various Artists - Psychomania
LP - Various Artists - Rock’n'rock
LP - Various Artists - Rumponia - An Answer Within
LP - Various Artists - Something Stirs
LP - Various Artists - Strange Pleasures
LP - Various Artists - Subterranean Modern
MC - Various Artists - Visions
MC - We R7 -  Dance to This!
LP - Video Liszt - Ektakröm Killer
7” - Voyage/Sight from life - Haggard + 3 tracks (insert)

Please contact me if anything is of interest.


Posted: 05 February 2007 12:06 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  840
Joined  2006-03-03

>7” - Art Style - Me and Me (b/w Factory Life) (nops)

What do you mean, nops? Does this come in PS?


Posted: 05 February 2007 09:09 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  129
Joined  2005-12-05

No, and it never did. I just wanted to point that out.



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mini wave records for sale.      |     Reminiscent ››