[quote author=“BetaBox”]Nice meeting the faces behind the names. Got to know even more people running around asking “are you on the forum ?” (that’s actually a good line
). And what an international crowd : Belgium, USA, Germany, France, Holland, Poland, one guy from Iran ! maybe there was a relation with Oppenheimer and Iran’s nuclear programme
(just kidding the guy actually came along with Twilight Ritual).
Glad to have met with Spartak, CR-78 (now I know the CR stands for “cigar”), Mike-hawai-1334, Shawn from Martial Canterel, Echo Frau, Minimal, Chevalier, etc.
Maybe we’ll meet again on the BIM festival or some other gig.
Loved Twilight Ritual. Oppenheimer wish they played more live than just sing to a backing track ... but was good still. I missed Martial Canterel but Spartak told me it was awesome and the only person playing all instruments live !
Laters !
Thanks for coming Betabox, there was indeed an international crowd, there were also 2 people from Greece!