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Underground Belgian Wave Volume 1
Posted: 05 July 2010 11:21 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 31 ]  
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Maybe it’s the voice of Asmodaeus which is very special ...

Posted: 08 July 2010 06:00 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 32 ]  
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For those who want 1 copy ... you’re better be quick ...

Posted: 08 July 2010 01:13 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 33 ]  
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[quote author=“chevalier”]Maybe it’s the voice of Asmodaeus which is very special ...

Maybe it is the voice that reminds me of Dirk Ivens. Maybe it is the fact that Asmodaeus is named after a higher demon prince of Hell. I would go with the latter.  8O

Posted: 11 July 2010 02:11 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 34 ]  
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Joined  2010-07-10

Tracks sounds fantastic. Are any distros carrying this at all or do we buy direct form you ‘Walhalla’? I noticed there’s no buy/paypal buttons on the Walhalla site either, so I’m assuming we simply email for a quote right? Any idea on postage to Australia and what paypal address one should use, assuming there is a paypal option of course?

Posted: 11 July 2010 10:26 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 35 ]  
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In USA Dark Entries is the only distributor.
You can contact me at: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Yes, you can pay with PayPal (no fee of course).
Not wait to long, record is almost sold out.

Posted: 12 July 2010 10:43 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 36 ]  
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[quote author=“deutschmark”]if i were Chevalier i’d use it as a slogan:

Walhalla: the records that will make your children cry

Hmm. I’ll let you know what my little toddler makes of it when I get. Frankie Teardrop, GPO’s wailing no problem.


Brian Eno sank my battleship

Posted: 28 July 2010 09:23 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 37 ]  
Total Posts:  184
Joined  2007-02-03

this is a great record, congrats to chevalier with such a great start
the only “issue” for me is there’s no “crash on the street” (or whatever that great track by schicksal was called), i hope it will make it onto part 2!

Posted: 29 July 2010 01:00 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 38 ]  
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The quality of the track is not good enough to put it on volume 2. However there will be a killer track from Emotional Violence (Big Balloon)

Posted: 29 July 2010 05:46 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 39 ]  
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uhm then maybe you could arrange a free download for those who don’t care about the quality ? (like me)

oh and one more thing i’ve noticed is that the tapes on the promo picture which is all over the internet are different from the actual cover…

Posted: 29 July 2010 05:57 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 40 ]  
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I will ask to Schicksal if he doesn’t mind.
Haha ... you’re the first who noticed the difference in the sleeve! I did send a previous version of the sleeve to send with my mail to announce the compilation and somebody used this for Discogs.

Posted: 30 July 2010 01:17 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 41 ]  
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Joined  2005-12-04

VARIOUS ARTISTS – Underground Belgian Wave Volume One LP BE 2010 WR001 12 Tracks 46’42’‘

It must have been a life-long dream of Lieven’s to found a record label and to release the music he loves, so, finally he did it and comes up with his label Walhalla Records and its first baby, an LP compilation including cassette-only tracks from Belgian’s early-to-mid-80’s minimal electronics and hard electro scene, which had its very own sound derived from hard bass synth sequences, use of mainly the Roland TR-707 drum machine (though earlier bands had to use earlier gear like the Roland TR-606 or TR-808) and harsh manly vocals. Only a few bands made it out of the underground, like Front 242, The Klinik, The Neon Judgement or Vomito Negro, for example, but most of them remained in the underground, so it’s great to have Lieven remembering them and bringing them back to life on the spinning black wax: ASMODAEUS with „Radiation Dance“ and „Second Time is different“ that both come along with a TR-606 and dark synths, two hits reminiscent to Absolute Body Control; M. BRYO with „Shift“ and „Shrinking Room“, stripped down and dark minimal electronics as we know and love it from Mark Burghgraeve; RATBAU with „Show me how“ and „Moscow ist frei“ is pretty much hard electro/EBM-oriented stuff à la Typis Belgis and E!Truncheon (btw, where are they on this compilation?!); DANTON’S VOICE with „Easy Life“ is also more hard electro but the track itself with a two-chord progression is rather uninspired and boring to be frank; SCHICKSAL with „Time“ and „Saturday“ are somewhere in between the two worlds, very maybe too minimalistic in textures; EMOTIONAL VIOLENCE with „Spiders Web“ is very very reminiscent to Vomito Negro (TR-707, bass sequence, vocals), and „Feeling the Cold“ is fortunately a bit more poppy and will thus appeal to fans of Parade Ground or Second Decay; and VITA NOCTIS who close the compilation with the already well-known minimal electronic/toy instrument hit „Hade“. The sound quality is unfortunately rather pretty poor on some of the tracks, but better than nothing, no? At least Anna did not know the majority of those tracks, so there are pretty nice discoveries to make on here, especially ASMODAEUS. All in all, a pretty nice starter, and we shall be looking for the things to come.



Ⓥ Marc Ⓥ

Posted: 30 July 2010 06:12 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 42 ]  
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Joined  2005-12-02

Thank you for the review

Posted: 14 August 2010 12:31 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 43 ]  
Total Posts:  560
Joined  2006-03-18

Great release. My little girl merriely danced to Asmodeus.

When is volume 2 due?


Brian Eno sank my battleship

Posted: 14 August 2010 08:22 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 44 ]  
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In fall I will release Volume 2. Volume 1 is sold out!

Posted: 15 August 2010 10:37 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 45 ]  
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Joined  2006-04-07

[quote author=“chevalier”]Only vinyl ... maybe on CD when the record sells out ...

[quote author=“chevalier”]In fall I will release Volume 2. Volume 1 is sold out!

Any chance? wink

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