trigger bass
[quote author=“Ollie_Stench”]I was able to get the SH09 to trigger the steps on the DR220, but not the other way around.
Make sure you set up a sound on the SH-09 that has some decay/release on both the amp & filter. Definately have the VCA set to ENV and not GATE. Also, you may have better luck sending the trigger to the external input (set ENV to GATE+TRIG)
The trigger signal is very short so you won’t have much luck setting up those types of sounds that rely on the key (GATE) being held while the envelope decays towards a sustain of zero and then releases quickly when the key is let up. Generally, for a triggered bass sound (as known from so many tracks we are concerned with here) you want:
Attack: Zero
Decay: Short, but not instant
Sustain: around 1/2 way +/-
Release: Same as Decay
Once you get it going you can tweak D/S/R to taste for more staccatto or more sustained.