Wow, seems I was lucky there was no clubs or radios playing interesting music in Northern Norway in the late eighties 
It reminds me of my one big Mystery Disc; I got a Kraftwerk live tape from a friend and at the end of the recording there were two songs, very electronic and beautiful. I played them over and over, I figured they must be from Ralf and Florian, the Kraftwerk LP I had yet to hear… later I got that LP and it sounded nothing like the songs on the tape :-(
And four years later, I stumbled across a record in a 2nd hand furniture shop, which had song titles that matched the music… 8O 8O 8O Note that this was in 1993, these days, you can listen to the lyrics of a song, punch the logical title in Discogs and chances are you find what you’re looking for. I didn’t have internet access in 1993 and neither did most people.
The songs, if you want to know, were Just a Sound in the Night and Beware the Fly by Rational Youth. You know the songs. Imagine listening to them from a crappy cassette recording for five years without knowing who made them… :-ยง
Aanyway, I digress… sorry to steal your time like this