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Just found old Minimal synth tapes in shop..
Posted: 16 October 2009 10:24 AM   [ Ignore ]  
Total Posts:  16
Joined  2009-10-15

Hi, i’m new here & have absolutely no connection with this type of music,but i would appreciate if someone can gimme some info on the following:
I found a bunch of old cassettes/demos today in a secondhand store..all what one would class as “minimal synth” stuff. I haven’t got a clue about these releases/bands. I’ve tried finding info on them online, but came up with very little. All the tapes seem to come from the 1981-1982 period.Anyone here can tell me about the following (rarity,history etc):

-Trumpetto “Phobos” red tape box ( Holland 1982 cat.number KC 05)
-Rick Van Boeckel “deze hoofden praten” (Holland 198? KK 015)
-V/A. Fools rush in where angels dare to tread. .Cabaret Futura. ( UK? 198? marc 141)
-Crawling Chaos. “Homunculus Equinox” (Tyne & wear,UK 1981 Foetus productions no cat. number)
-Let’s have healthy children ..again. S/T. (Belgium 1981 w/lyric insert ap 003)
-Incidental music Volume one. S/T. (Dartford,UK 1977-1981 private release? ES 001)
-Kloot per W. “Tubescreamer” (Belgium 3/81 & 3/82. #46/300. fm-bx 4)

Any help/info would be appreciated.

Posted: 16 October 2009 09:16 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
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Re: Just found old Minimal synth tapes in shop..

[quote author=“malegys”]
-Crawling Chaos. “Homunculus Equinox” (Tyne & wear,UK 1981 Foetus productions no cat. number)


Spaced out post punk minimal folkrambling. Great for those who like, absolute gibberish for those who do not understand it :D
Homunculus Equinox was Crawling Chaos’ second album and actually meant as a companion to the Factory Benelux released Gas Chair Clown aka The Gas Chair. Most people liked their debut single Sex Machine, everything that came after was like Hawkwind for retarded analfabetics :D
[quote author=“malegys”]-Let’s have healthy children ..again. S/T. (Belgium 1981 w/lyric insert ap 003)

Let’s Have healthy Children was Ludo Engels and Guy De Bièvre (http://www.guydebievre.org/), The name of the tape is Let’s have healthy children ..again
One of the many bands in the early 80’s Brussels coldwave/minimal underground. After this both got into experimental music (http://www.discogs.com/Ludo-Engels-Guy-De-Bièvre-Lars-Rudolph-Jan-Blondeel-Le-Requiem-Des-Kangourous/release/1692168)
Guy De Bièvre went his own way and became a composer of soundtracks for plays ao All of the in the experimental corner.
The music on this tape is typical for the early Brussels scene: minimal with a healthy dose of guitar in the Velvet Underground vein not unlike Absent Music or early Company Of State

[quote author=“malegys”]-Incidental music Volume one. S/T. (Dartford,UK 1977-1981 private release? ES 001)

Got that one too, but can’t remember what it sounds like.
If recall correctly it was more in an experimental vein.
The label was Electrosound, the same name as the studio it was recorded in.
The two protagonists in this release are R.J. Curd on synths & sequencers and K. Manson on guitar.

[quote author=“malegys”]-Kloot per W. “Tubescreamer” (Belgium 3/81 & 3/82. #46/300. fm-bx 4)

It’s actually a split tape between Kloot Per W and a band called Tubescreamer.
The Fm-Bx Societytapes were tapes released by the Brussels undergound radio FM Bruxel (http://www.discogs.com/label/The+FM-BX+Society+Label)
4 tapes were released, all of them mapping a small part of the Brussels underground.
Apart from Topplers and Tubescreamer all other bands from these tapes had releases pretty sought after in the coldwave/minimal community over the years.
Tubescreamer is simple down to earth indieguitar, with some interesting songs here and there.
Kloot Per W is a musical octopus playing since the mid 70’s
Punk & ska with The Employees, punk, powerpop & rock ‘n’ roll with The Misters, minimal synth(pop) with Polyphonic Size, dutch “sex"pop with De Lama’s (together with Peter Slabbynck from Red Zebra), a metal/hardrock radioshow on Belgian national radio, a Ramones tribute, etc….
He also recorded as De Minz and Rel Rex (on B9 comp)
As a soloartists he released about 10 tapes all with a different musical interest, experimenting with music and musicstyles.
Of his first 4 or 5 about 75% can be described as new wave/synth/minimal/coldwave.
A few years ago a 3CD of these tapes was released by Kloot himself, containing some nice demo’s of songs later resurfacing as Polyphonic Size “hits”


Welcome To The Sheep Pen

New Mailorder here to stay.


Posted: 16 October 2009 09:44 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  16
Joined  2009-10-15

Erg bedankt voor de info,Wool-E!! Thanks very much!!

Posted: 17 October 2009 03:05 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]  
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From the info youve supplied, the “Fools Rush in”... thing seems to be a cassette version of a release I have on vinyl, with live versions of some songs, including Eddie and Sunshine as well as Kissing The Pink. Didn’t know it also came out on cassette though grin

Posted: 17 October 2009 07:31 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  16
Joined  2009-10-15

Ok, Thanks for all the info. Very appreciated. I’ve started to put them on Ebay. Not my kinda thing i’m affraid.


Posted: 17 October 2009 09:37 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 5 ]  
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I’ve started to put them on Ebay.

why only did i know already right from the start that this would be the outcome from all of this ... ?!?

malegys, now that you have taken, what are you planning to give ?



Ⓥ Marc Ⓥ

Posted: 17 October 2009 10:24 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 6 ]  
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the Trumpetto is worth nothing… so I pay you postage and it is mine?!

Posted: 18 October 2009 12:21 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 7 ]  
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[quote author=“AnnaLogue”]

I’ve started to put them on Ebay.

why only did i know already right from the start that this would be the outcome from all of this ... ?!?

malegys, now that you have taken, what are you planning to give ?

I dunno, maybe a brand new tube of masscra? :D
No,if the tapes reach a decent price & the winner is someone from this board, i can make a deal on postage costs. Hows that sound?

Posted: 18 October 2009 12:23 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 8 ]  
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Joined  2009-10-15

[quote author=“M”]the Trumpetto is worth nothing… so I pay you postage and it is mine?!

Hey,That’s an idea. Think i’ll email La Louvre museum in Paris & tell em that the Mona Lisa isn’t worth the canvas it’s painted on. I wonder if they’ll take me seriously? rolleyes

Posted: 18 October 2009 08:52 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 9 ]  
Total Posts:  246
Joined  2006-08-28

so you buy stuff you don’t even like yourself, just to resell it and make profit on it 8O

Posted: 18 October 2009 09:28 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 10 ]  
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[quote author=“Claudia101”]so you buy stuff you don’t even like yourself, just to resell it and make profit on it 8O

In this case, yeah! Welcome to the real world. Sometimes i buy stuff (that i’m not necessarily into) to use as trade for stuff i do want. Happens all the time,Claudia.I’m taking a risk remember,by investing my own money first & it’s on ebay now at decent opening prices (with no reserve!!!!), so everyone has a chance to obtain these items at a very reasonable price.You should try it, beats selling drugs or prostitution!

Posted: 18 October 2009 11:37 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 11 ]  
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Well, well, the old music and money discussion.

Of course there’s nothing wrong with buying stuff for resale, as the vast majority of collectors still find themselves ending up on the minus side given all those items they buy and then find themselves unable to resell. And not all of us get sponsered by the Norwegian State either.  8) 

Personally I’d happily buy some death metal rarities and resell them.  :wink:

It’s only when you go to a forum section that is for music lovers, not dealers, and ask people to sacrifice their time to share their knowlegde with you in order to prepare the ground for you to have a better deal, that the mood might just possibly swing against you.  8)

Posted: 19 October 2009 12:19 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 12 ]  
Total Posts:  16
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Yeah, i know this & am prepaired to pay the consequences,but afterall i’m offering them (or atleast the chance) to you lot at very democratic prices.
Think i’ll curl up in bed & listen to Yazoo now that everybody is against me :D

Posted: 19 October 2009 12:37 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 13 ]  
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Cracking the old ebay joke again, are we?

I’m sure what you meant to say here is “democratic start prices”....  8)

But if you’re really listening to Yazoo now, well, that should be punishment enough… :wink:

Posted: 02 November 2009 08:10 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 14 ]  
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Deze hoofden praten. Rik van Boeckel

Hallo Malegys

I am the guy who made ‘Deze hoofden praten’ with Rob Smit, owner of Kubus Cassettes. I am a (pop)poet/performer and Rob and his fellow musicians made the music for my poetry. The titletrack is dedicated to the Talking Heads. The style is the electro wave of that period. Kubus published more of that music. Tape companies were the underground of that time but it didn’t last long. I made in 1984 another tape for Kubus, called ‘Hé hé wat moet dat’ with more Caribbean influences. Live I recited my poems and songs with tapes too and live percussion. I still do that (with djembé, conga and cajón). I collected all the stuff from my tapes and some new stuff on a CD: ‘De avonturen van Rik van Boeckel’.
Nowadays I work with MB of the Rotterdam based reggaetóncrew Ghetto Flow, originally from the Dominican Republic. You can find tracks on: http://www.myspace.com/rikvanboeckel.
If you want more info, mail me on: rik.v.boeckel@wxs.nl

Posted: 02 November 2009 08:16 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 15 ]  
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Deze hoofden praten. Rik van Boeckel

I forgot to tell that Kubus was based in Leiden, Netherlands, where I am still living. And that since the releases on Kubus who got good reviews in Vinyl and Oor, I found my way in the performing poetry circuit in the Netherlands.

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