Kontour—“Kennedy Syndrome”
Brian Eno sank my battleship
DE BRASSERS - en toen was er niets meer 7” BLINDGĂ„NGER - s/t 7” MITTAGEISEN - alles ist anders… CD
Spk-Auto Da Fe
Clan of Xymox-S/T
Classix Nouveaux-S/T
The Legendary Pink Dots-Ancient Daze
Throbbing Gristle-Heathen Earth
Robert Rental & The Normal Live at west runton pavillion 6-3-79
Le docteur est la!
http://www.xwaveradio.com Minimal Electro Wave all weekend long
Earlier: Clan Of Xymox-Medusa
Now :Janus-S/T (Progressive Rock)
Mekanik Kommando—“Snake Is Queen”
Fra Lippo Lippi-The Treasure
We Be Echo—“Cezi Eva; unleashed and revisited 25th anniversary issue” limited 2CDr
MODERNE - Moderne / L’Espionne aimait la musique 2LP DIE KAPAZITĂ„T - Leichte stimmen CD UK DECAY - Rising from the dread 12”
Kirlian Camera-The Ice Curtain
Autopsia-Death is the Mother of Beauty